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    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Empty Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

    Post by Neno Mon 14 Apr 2014, 7:08 pm

    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

    April 14, 2014

    Contributed by BGSV

    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Global-control1

    (Note:  Even though the document titled Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars gives evidence of a systemic and intentional enslavement of civilization on all levels, economic, political, social, entertainment, legal, etc…, I have been reluctant to reference it or discuss it openly over the years for the simply reason that I feel it removes responsibility for our own actions and distracts us away from finding the solution within ourselves first. 

    External projections of our inner failures and nature is exactly the type of human characteristics which the form of sociological engineering, as described in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, feeds on and takes advantage of. 
    There is much controversy over its origins and legitimacy, but nevertheless, what is written in the document is the blueprint from which our centralized civilization is emerging.  Time has proven its validity.  But our battle begins within first.  – JC)

    In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter.

    In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children.

    The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior-elite class is, and remains, incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life.

    This form of ‘slavery’ is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper-class.

    Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are soldiers, the attorneys and C.P.A.s next who are spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear.    The generals are industrialists. ** The “presidential” level of commander-in-chief is ‘shared’ by the international bankers.**
    … … society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system. (IMF)

    In order to achieve such sovereignty, we must at least achieve this one end: that the public will not make either the logical nor mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences, or learn to apply such knowledge.

    In the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the ‘undisciplined and irresponsible many’ into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few.

    This document represents the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. … The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.

    In short, the entirety of what the IMF (elites) have planned in 2014 was drafted years ago (global taxation), and is discussed in this paper. It may stun you, but it is a must read.
    Silent Weapons … for Quiet Wars

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