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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Education: We exclude the distribution of textbooks this year

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Education: We exclude the distribution of textbooks this year Empty Parliamentary Education: We exclude the distribution of textbooks this year

    Post by Rocky Thu 06 Oct 2022, 4:29 am

    [size=46]Parliamentary Education: We exclude the distribution of textbooks this year[/size]
    16:47 - 05-10-2022
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    Today, Wednesday, a member of the Parliamentary Education Committee, Jawad Al-Ghazali, will ban the Ministry of Education from distributing school curricula books at the beginning of this year due to the delay in their editions.
    Al-Ghazali said ,
    "The Ministry of Finance was the reason for the delay in printing the school curricula for the next academic year," stressing that "the Ministry of Finance did not release the allocations of the Ministry of Education for printing school curricula books for the next year, which means that the latter will not be able to distribute textbooks to schools at a rate of big".
    He added, "After many correspondences sent by the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Finance, the financial allocations were not released until a very short period of time," noting that "after agreeing to release the allocations from the financial abundance, they will be deducted in the event the general budget is approved."
     He continued, "The low level of education for Iraqi schools is due to the failure to secure financial allocations and meet the needs of the general directorates of the Ministry of Education."
    And he indicated that "the sums of money that reached the Ministry of Education are very late due to the current government's failure to follow up on this file, which will lead to a delay in its printing." 
    And the information opened the file of “mafias” to print school curricula with numbers and names, and in this regard, independent MP Adnan Al-Jabri says, “The problem of delaying the printing of school curricula continues due to the referral of printing contracts to printing presses outside Iraq, which need significant financial funding in light of the lack of approval of the general budget. for this year,” calling for “the necessity of activating government presses to print textbooks inside Iraq to confront the increase in the number of students and to ensure there is no delay in printing them.”

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