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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    It imports 16 million liters per day.. Iraq is among the cheapest in the world with gasoline prices

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    It imports 16 million liters per day.. Iraq is among the cheapest in the world with gasoline prices Empty It imports 16 million liters per day.. Iraq is among the cheapest in the world with gasoline prices

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Jan 2023, 5:50 am

    It imports 16 million liters per day.. Iraq is among the cheapest in the world with gasoline prices

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    2023-01-30 03:31

    Shafaq News/ The "global petrol prices" website revealed, on Monday, that Iraq has maintained the 12th rank among the world's cheapest countries in "gasoline" prices.

    The website said in a report for the month of January, seen by Shafaq News agency, that among the 170 countries listed in the table, the price of gasoline in Iraq reached 514 cents per liter, as it ranked fifth in the Arab world after Libya, Syria, Algeria and Kuwait.
    For his part, the director of the Oil Derivatives Distribution Company, Hussein Talib, confirmed, in an interview with Shafaq News agency, that "the Ministry of Oil subsidizes the prices of gasoline sold locally by 100%."
    And he indicated that "the price of improved gasoline, which is sold at stations at a price of 450 dinars (which is the same type of gasoline that is known to be called locally as regular gasoline), is 900 dinars globally, and therefore the subsidy here is 100%, while imported gasoline (95 octane) is sold at stations." At a price of 650 dinars, and the international price for it is double, just as the price of super gasoline (98 octane) at stations is 1,000 dinars, and it is sold for around 1,200 dinars globally.
    Globally, gasoline is divided into several categories, which are regular gasoline (purity grade less than 95), improved high-octane gasoline (purity grade 95), and high-octane gasoline (purity grade 98), where each category differs from the other in improving the power and performance of the engine for its work. In the best way, in a natural way.
    Taleb pointed out that "Iraq imports 16 million liters of gasoline per day to meet the local need," noting that "the import chains are the prerogative of the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO)."
    Iraq imports some oil derivatives, including gasoline, gasoline, and white oil, from other countries to meet its local needs, while it recently finished building the Karbala refinery to reduce the deficit in oil derivatives and direct the surplus abroad.
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      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 10:28 pm