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    «Correct errors Maliki» highlighted problems Abadi

    Admin Assist
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    «Correct errors Maliki» highlighted problems Abadi Empty «Correct errors Maliki» highlighted problems Abadi

    Post by Rocky Fri 19 Sep 2014, 3:02 pm

    «Correct errors Maliki» highlighted problems Abadi

    Seeks new prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi to correct the mistakes of his predecessor Nuri al-Maliki, most notably the resolutions set many of those close to him in the last days of his rule, demanding political Vaketl today corrected before everything and ensure they are not repeated in the future.

    After the formation of the new Iraqi government on the eighth of this month, has focused attention on the political blocs two issues, first the formation of an internal system to regulate the work of the Council of Ministers, which was al-Maliki refuses to discuss his powers to stay wide, without specifying the tasks entrusted to the Minister.

    The second issue concerns the Shiite parties that collects on the block, "National Alliance" include the formation of a steering committee of all of its members are from which to make security decisions and political consensus, which is also of the things which was rejected by al-Maliki at the time.

    The most important issue that dominates the attention of the political blocs is the cancellation of a series of decisions taken by al-Maliki in the final hours of his reign does not know the kind blocks, most notably the appointment of many of those close to him in sensitive positions, and withdraw funds without the approval of Parliament.

    One of those decisions also appointment of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords is a member of the party "Islamic call" the governor of the Central Bank, in conjunction with the judicial decision sexy surprise in terms of timing eliminates jailed former central bank governor Sinan al-Shabibi seven years on corruption charges.

    And the Shabibi was rejected several attempts to owners during the past years to intervene in the work of the central bank and withdraw money from bank reserves, prompting Maliki to fabricate the charge against him and forcing him to leave the country, in what was seen and the current oil minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi decisions issued against Shabibi unjust and called to honor Shabibi.

    Among other decisions set its official spokesperson Ali al-Moussawi, director general at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the appointment of Zia Quraishi, Director of Finance in his office and agent for the Minister of Planning, and the appointment of former MP for the "rule of law" on Alfalh chairman of the board of trustees, "the Iraqi Media Network."

    The rest of the decisions do not know the political blocs on them a lot because they are confidential, and speaks deputies behind the scenes for the establishment of al-Maliki to appoint dozens of his loyalists in the circles of security and sensitive government and refer others to retire, and the issuance of orders, regardless sums of money outside its powers, and the granting of ranks high for many of the officers in the army and this decisions require the approval of Parliament.

    MP for the "National Alliance" said Sari Hassan's "Talk" that "Parliament will discuss the decisions taken by the previous government, especially if a lot of them need the approval of Parliament."

    It is frequented by Sari decisions as stipulated in the Constitution in Article (103), a "need parliamentary approval for appointments in civilian positions, such as the large selection of members of independent bodies including the Central Bank."

    As the article (63) of the Constitution says that the "parliament to approve the appointment of corps commanders in the army and the intelligence director," but al-Maliki ignore these things.

    There is a larger issue which is that the staff and officials and leaders of the army and police are still abiding Maliki nor welcome Balebadi, and that al-Maliki had a few days ago criticizing the decisions taken by Abadi.

    Maliki is the vice president in the new government criticized during his visit to his hometown in Karbala last Sunday two of Ebadi, the first stop shelling densely populated areas and controlled by the organization "Daash" in Mosul and Fallujah, because the bombardment leads to many deaths of innocent populations, and the second form an army in every province to protect it.

    Hours after the decision to halt the bombing on the al-Abadi populated areas, some warplanes continued bombing has raised a question about the possibility of the population lack of respect for the leaders of the army of slaves and their commitment to the orders of al-Maliki.

    Correct errors Maliki difficult task and work on do not recur in the future task easier, but this political blocs to discuss the basic Sunni and Kurdish and Shiite legal safeguards, most notably the formation of an internal system of the Council of Ministers, and an internal system to block the "National Alliance".

    He says MP mass of "free" of the Sadrist Prince Kanani's "Talk" that "the new prime minister Haider al-Abadi pledge of the political blocs to formulate rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers in order to prevent the monopoly of decision by the Prime Minister."

    During the governments of al-Maliki (2006 -2014), there was no law governing the work of the Council of Ministers, is not known minister and deputy prime ministers of their powers, and they were Astaznon Maliki in making any decision.

    Because of the absence of this law, there are no controls determine the extent of the work of the Council of Ministers stopped, and during the previous years, withdrew about two-thirds the number of ministers in the government, leaving only six ministers out of 27 ministers and nevertheless continued to al-Maliki in power.

    The latter sets the ministers belonging to his party or his close associates replacements for ministers who withdraw from the government in protest at his policies, as he spent the majority of the duration of his second term as secretary of defense and interior along with his duties as prime minister.

    And not the Kurds, Sunnis, and only those who have suffered from the uniqueness of Maliki in power, and even parties Kaltaar Shiite movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr, and "the Islamic Supreme Council," led by Ammar al-Hakim, has suffered from being sidelined.

    This is discussed in the Shiite parties that make up one block as the "National Alliance" Today drafting an internal system to work, and the composition of the leadership of its members to political decision-making and job security.

    Some deputies from the "National Alliance" said the "discussion" The Sadrists and "Islamic Supreme Council" and the party "Virtue, and Vice-block" rule of law "they want to form a leadership body comprising one representative from each party and its mission monitoring the decisions of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and demand consultation Alliance before taking any important decision.

    These parties agreed a few days ago not to allow any prime minister it to continue in power for more than two constituencies to prevent a repeat of Maliki's desire governance 12 years, as was also agreed to change any Minister of the coalition proved its failure in management.

    Correct errors Maliki is not an easy task, as the House of Representatives seem pessimistic of the possibility of exceeding Mfalt the previous government, they say, government-Abadi is a "government crisis" will spend the early years of the four in processing errors Maliki's government because they are errors of law, constitutional and great security, most notably that one-third of the area of Iraq outside the authority of the Iraqi government However, after the fall of the "Islamic state".

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