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    Parliament resumes its first reading of a number of draft laws

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament resumes its first reading of a number of draft laws Empty Parliament resumes its first reading of a number of draft laws

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Sep 2014, 4:28 am

    Parliament resumes its first reading of a number of draft laws

    Author: Al Bayan wrote: September 21, 2014 

    Baghdad / Handout

    House resumes its sessions on Monday, the first reading of a number of draft laws.

    The MP for the coalition of state law Rehab Alabboudh: "The agenda for the meeting on Monday includes the sworn members of the House of Representatives who were holding government positions and replacements for who occupied ministerial positions or the Vice President of the Republic."

    She added: "The session also includes the first reading of bills the Federation Council and the Law on the Council of Representatives, and the establishment of foreign law and the law of passports."

    She Alabboudh: "The session also includes the first reading of a draft law on ratification of the amended Convention of Arab cooperation in the field of organizing and facilitating relief operations."

    The House of Representatives to raise its meeting held Omsasbt to the first session on Monday after hosting the President of the Supreme Committee for the relief of displaced Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq.

    This confirmed to House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the importance of the role of the committees in the legislative work, calling for the need to speed up the resolution of the presidencies of the parliamentary committees to direct its legislative and oversight.

    A press release said that al-Jubouri

    Sunday presided over a meeting of the heads of the blocks and the presence of Naúbouaph and members of parliamentary committees to discuss the work of the Board during the next phase.

    The statement said that the Speaker of Parliament stressed the need to provide temporary committees reports on the issues assigned to it, especially the massacre of Spyker and the financial budget and displaced persons, also urged the need for the House of Representatives to be productive in terms of issuing laws that concern to citizens.

    He stressed Jubouri Albean- ndash; according to the importance of investment in international interest in what is happening in the country in a positive way provided that no prejudice to national sovereignty.

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