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    improving the service level of living and the essence of the government program

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

     improving the service level of living and the essence of the government program  Empty improving the service level of living and the essence of the government program

    Post by day dreamer Mon 22 Sep 2014, 8:15 pm

    Politicians: improving the service level of living and the essence of the government program 

     9/23/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD Shaima Rashid
    Mortgage politicians to improve the standard of living and service to the citizen stable security and approving the budget class basis, and argued in their statements "morning" that all ministries Stopped work to achieve these two requirements, which can be through them to find jobs for young people and encourage investment, which ends with the improvement of living standards.
    Member of the National Alliance Hassan Khalati, stressed the need to improve the economic profile of the country in order to reduce the burden on the citizen, adding that the government program contains a lot of files that must be addressed in order to improve the level of service and living of citizens, including the economic file and provide opportunities for young people and encourage investment and grants small.
    The MP said in a statement the "morning" that all these things are capable of reducing the financial burden for the citizen, which requires stakeholders to discuss the details.
    The MP from the Union of Forces Ali Mtioti has confirmed that the issue of improving the level of service and living of citizen needs time, especially with live country of circumstance security, and between in a statement the "morning" that this subject needs to be a committee of experts in the subject, especially since the country is suffering from the path of raising a private citizen in the provinces with difficult security conditions.
    As seen MP for the coalition of national olive Hussein Murad, told the "morning" that improve the level of service and living of citizens is the essence of the government program.
    She said Abadi said on this file, pointing out that the government program is good in theory, wondering about the mechanisms of its implementation, and the difficulty they face in the implementation of the ministries and agencies concerned for surveillance and follow-up.
    She noted that he and over many years has not seen service projects of interest to the citizen of any evolution in terms of raising the level of living and service, saying that "the government's performance so far icky" .erepett MP optimism about the next phase, confirmed the determination of the House of Representatives to follow-up and control fully.
    In addition, linked the MP for the mass citizen Mona Gharbaoui file to improve the standard of living and service to the citizen passage of the budget, emphasizing pursuit of Parliament seriously to approve the budget bill, especially with the adoption of all aspects of the state it and therefore that the adoption of this law and modify it will cast a shadow on all the services and make them available to the citizen.
    The MP expressed the hope that the service ministries be the level of ambition to be able to work on
    Raise the level of service and living standards, indicating that the parliament supports and supports the government in order to improve the performance of ministries.

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