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    Security leaders refuse to obey American orders regarding the movement of their units west of Anbar

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Security leaders refuse to obey American orders regarding the movement of their units west of Anbar Empty Security leaders refuse to obey American orders regarding the movement of their units west of Anbar

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Nov 2023, 6:39 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Security leaders refuse to obey American orders regarding the movement of their units west of Anbar[/size]
    • Today 13:47

    Information / Anbar.. 
    A security source in Anbar Governorate revealed, on Sunday, that the security leaders supervising the security file in the western regions refused to obey the orders of the American forces regarding the mechanism of movement of military units.
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    The source said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “The security leaders supervising the security file for the western regions refused to obey the orders of the American forces regarding the mechanism of movement of military units and their deployment around the areas of Ain al-Assad base in the Al-Baghdadi district of Hit district, west of Anbar.”
    He added, "The deployment and movement of military units in the western regions is subject to a security plan supervised by the senior security leadership, and no force, whatever it may be, can interfere in the security deployment of military units, and it is not concerned with protecting foreign forces whose combat missions have ended after the elimination of ISIS criminal gangs."
    He stated, "The security leaders prepared a plan to protect the western sector up to the areas of the border strip with Syria, and this plan was subject to military contexts to maintain the security and stability of those areas, and it is not concerned with duties outside its duties."
    The source pointed out that "the security forces stationed in the areas of the western sector of Anbar Governorate are able to carry out their security duties without the assistance of foreign forces." Ended / 12a
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