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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Four factors decide the choice of the new Speaker of the House of Representatives

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Four factors decide the choice of the new Speaker of the House of Representatives Empty Four factors decide the choice of the new Speaker of the House of Representatives

    Post by Rocky Thu 28 Dec 2023, 3:41 pm

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    [size=52]Four factors decide the choice of the new Speaker of the House of Representatives[/size]
    • Today 16:12

    Representative Ali Niama confirmed, on Thursday, that there are 4 factors that decide the choice of the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. 
    In an interview with Al-Maalouma, Nehme said, “The December 18 elections were the reason behind postponing the decision to hold a voting session to select a candidate for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, even though the forces were supportive of the selection options in light of the presence of more than 4 candidates representing different political forces and currents.” ". 
    He added, “Four factors are what decide the choice of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the most prominent of which are political consensus and the candidate’s ability to gain the trust of the blocs through experience and competence in managing the Council’s sessions,” pointing out that “in any case, January 15 will be decisive in determining the identity of the speaker.” Whoever assumes the position after holding an official session.” 
    He pointed out that "resorting to one or more candidates may occur, and this is subject to consultations with the relevant forces," indicating that "members will vote according to their convictions in the end."
    The session to select the Speaker of the House of Representatives was postponed due to the approaching date of the provincial council elections before December 18. Ended 25 F

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