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    US official confirms that the country is preparing to increase contractors in Iraq


    Posts : 5315
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    US official confirms that the country is preparing to increase contractors in Iraq Empty US official confirms that the country is preparing to increase contractors in Iraq

    Post by wciappetta Wed 24 Dec 2014, 7:20 am

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    24-12-2014 01:00 PM
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    A senior US official said that his government is preparing to increase the number of private contractors in Iraq as part of President Barack Obama's efforts to repel the Islamic state fighters who threaten the government in Baghdad. 

    The official explained that the number of contractors who will be deployed in Iraq -bouklav about 1800 are now working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs US-will depend in part on the extent of US forces, which advises the Iraqi security forces and their distance from the US diplomatic facilities. 

    However, the preparations to increase the number of contractors confirm Obama's growing commitment in Iraq. 

    When the United States ventured to send troops and diplomats to the war zones are usually followed by contractors in order to doing was carried out by the army itself. It can take contractors responsible for everything from security to repair vehicles and even food service. 

    The senior US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, 'Certainly it will be necessary some contractors sent to provide additional support there.'

     After the Islamic state assumed control over large areas from Iraqi territory, including the city of Mosul in June, Obama ordered US troops to Iraq. In the last month, Obama authorized to double the number of troops to approximately 3,100, but careful not to increase troop commitment too much, not US forces in Iraq holds the combat responsibilities. 

    In Iraq, there is now some 1,750 US troops, and ordered the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, last week the deployment of 1300 additional troops. The back of the US military's reliance on civilians during Hagel trip to Baghdad this month, when he arrived with his entourage to the Iraqi capital aboard a contracted helicopters with the US State Department.

     The US official believes that the problem lies in that with the continued flow of US forces in Iraq will not be able to contractors at the Foreign Ministry to support the needs of both diplomats and soldiers. 

    A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said that after the decline in the number of contractors at the Foreign Ministry in Iraq since late in 2011 the number slightly increased by almost five percent since June of part of the Iraqi Security seeks to address the state regulation and prevent progress march in the direction of other parts of Iraq, and the security forces repelled and the support of tribal fighters Wednesday attack to organize Daash of the three axes of the city of Ramadi, the provincial capital, which killed 19 component of the organization.

     He said Maj. Gen. Kazim Mohammed Fahdawi, Anbar province in western Iraq's police chief, said that 'the police, the army and the support of tribal fighters forces managed to Wednesday morning, to repel an attack to regulate Daash terrorist from three southern and eastern and north to the city of Ramadi, axes, what led to clashes between the two sides, which resulted in the death of 19 component of the organization and the destruction of carrying a heavy weapon vehicle, and the occurrence of injuries among the tribal fighters and security forces as a result of the clashes ''. He added Fahdawi, that 'the tribal security forces controlled the city of Ramadi, and clashes are on the border City ', pointing out that those forces take defensive and offensive positions in the one against any attacks to organize Daash the city of Ramadi.

     On the other hand, said Shakir Mahmoud, head of the Council of Ameriya (west) of Anatolia, the 'International Red Cross distributed food and humanitarian aid to 665 displaced families and displaced in Ameriya ', pointing out that the' constant Daash in the siege of the 3-east, north and west axes, except for the southern port link between the hand and the capital, Baghdad, and that which has reached such assistance.

     " He added Mahmoud, that 'this aid contain food items include rice, sugar, lentils, cooking oil, beans and other humanitarian materials estimated per share value of each family for $ 160 ', noting that' the distribution process will continue until this moment on these families

    . ' usually Iraqi officials announce the death of dozens of 'Daash' day without to provide concrete evidence of that, which can not be verified by independent sources, and can not be usually get official comment from 'Daash'; due to restrictions imposed by the organization to deal with the media, is that the latter declares occasional control to new areas in both Syria and Iraq, despite the international coalition strikes against him.

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