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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    What The Banksters Don’t Want You To Know


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    What The Banksters Don’t Want You To Know Empty What The Banksters Don’t Want You To Know

    Post by Neno Tue 02 Apr 2013, 2:46 pm

    What The Banksters Don’t Want You To Know

    Here’s something you may have never seen before. Or if you have seen one you probably didn’t know what it was…

    What The Banksters Don’t Want You To Know 7552692858_c10f380876_m
    At the top of this unusual dollar bill it says United States Note
    instead of Federal Reserve Note. This is real, sovereign US currency
    issued by the Treasury department, not the privately-owned corporation
    called the Federal Reserve.

    US Treasury notes, also known as Lincoln greenbacks, were first
    issued in 1862 to fund the Civil War effort of the Union. Even after the
    dollar became privatized by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913,
    greenbacks remained in circulation (capped at $346 million by statute in
    1878). The last printing of greenbacks came in 1966 (1963 for small
    denominations), and none have been put in circulation since 1971.

    Treasury notes (greenbacks) and Federal Reserve notes are both called
    “fiat” currencies because they are not backed by precious metals. But
    Treasury notes are debt-free, whereas Federal Reserve notes — being a privatized currency — are debt-based.
    This makes all the difference in the world. Our national debt, which
    has become such a big issue, results from having a privatized,
    debt-based currency: the Federal Reserve note.

    If we were to abolish the Federal Reserve and reinstitute Treasury
    notes the national debt could be eliminated.
    A sizeable portion of our
    national debt is owned by the Federal Reserve itself. This is fictitious
    debt because the Fed purchases those government bonds with money they
    create out of nothing! So in abolishing the Federal Reserve, their
    fictitious debt holdings could be canceled as well. The rest of national
    debt, the part not owned by the Fed, could be paid off with Treasury

    For years my hero Dennis Kucinich has been proposing legislation along these lines. His latest version, called the NEED Act,
    would restore debt-free currency and fund large-scale infrastructure
    projects to jumpstart the economy. Debt-free currency can also fund
    single payer health care as was done in Canada.

    But then why did the government ever give up greenbacks and go to
    privatized currency? The excuses had to do with taking politics out of
    monetary policy, and the idea that private banksters have more expertise
    in financial matters. The real reason is that politicians, then as now,
    are owned by the international banking elite.

    By the way, it’s important to distinguish between the virtuous
    greenback proposals of Dennis Kucinich and the nefarious gold currency
    schemes touted by people like Ron Paul. Gold has always been the
    preferred currency of banksters and other elitists. Ron Paul’s dream of
    worldwide gold currency, along with his other dream of unregulated
    international trade, would spell global enslavement and the end of the
    middle class.

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 9:06 pm