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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A commission of inquiry in Mishan al-Jubouri's comments fugitive from the assassination attempt on t

    Admin Assist
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    A commission of inquiry in Mishan al-Jubouri's comments fugitive from the assassination attempt on t Empty A commission of inquiry in Mishan al-Jubouri's comments fugitive from the assassination attempt on t

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Feb 2016, 7:04 am

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    Publishing Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 10:54:48 | Views: 62

    Bgdad_abar today
    The House voted Friday to set up a parliamentary committee to investigate the MP Mishan al-Jubouri's remarks in which all politicians and office holders Alrfieh accused of being "corrupt and Mrchun."
    Jubouri preempted Thursday's meeting to reveal what he called "the plot to assassinate him at the gate of the Council at the hands of guard one of Representatives," because of his recent comments.
    Jubouri and wrote a letter to members of parliament in his page on "Facebook", saying, "I intend to come back from Damascus after he learned that you are going to discuss Adthamata political class of corruption but the warning you received says that the guard for any of you who are standing at the gate of the Council will be launched on the fire and then be facilitated his escape and to get rid to me anyway, without my participation. "
    He added, "Here I want to reaffirm before you that all the political class responsible morally and legally responsible for the corruption that seized kill it on the people's money, and most of us involved in it directly."
    He continued, "I have the facts of the corruption of the political class put half in jail if they applied the laws in force in Iraq, not Sweden, while the other half has a responsibility to do their bit for Takazlhm and broken right what they did because they have accepted corruption and Haddenoh."
    Jubouri said that "the accused by name in previous television interviews re-accused in front of you and possessed documents irrefutable on corruption", noting that "most of the parties in the government have offices under the investment addresses earn commissions for all the projects being implemented in the ministries run by ministers from the masses, and other projects carried out only on paper and smuggled their money to the accounts of the corrupt. "
    He asked al-Jubouri, "Where did you go eight hundred billion dollars spent by the government during the past eight years and we all know that when Daash our cities were empty army depots until the ammunition was occupied and we did not build factories or hotels, and the parliament building and the houses we operate are all in the green, which has built the former regime!? ".
    He called for a "take a courageous decision commissioned by the Judicial Council form a judicial commission to consider the accusations launched by and give up all of us Zaamea and deputies and Useraoua for parliamentary and political Hsantina and delegated questioning each of the names are in the investigation and to provide those involved to the courts and be the first to stand before them."
    He said al-Jubouri, "Either you to use to respond to the pressures of the blocks, which accused the ministers of corruption and revenge me to drop my membership, it does not worry me but will not Arhbna Sazidny determination inspired by Hussein peace be upon him the courage to challenge the falsehood will not remain concealed Akeshvh". On the extent crossed
    It is worth mentioning that the committee set up by the House of Representatives, in a hearing on Thursday, includes members of the Integrity Commission, the Parliamentary Legal and Parliamentary Committee and the Committee members and parliamentary development.
    Also it awarded the presidency of the Council of eligibility for each deputy filed a complaint on al-Jubouri, the competent courts.

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