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    World Government: The Bilderbergers meet in Dresden

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    World Government: The Bilderbergers meet in Dresden Empty World Government: The Bilderbergers meet in Dresden

    Post by Rocky Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:55 am

    [size=40]Mini protest against World Government: The Bilderbergers meet in Dresden[/size]

    on June 12, 2016

    US President Barack Obama spent the night seven years ago at the Taschenbergpalais, now it does him of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger equal. The 93-year-old is a regular of the Bilderberg Conference, which is to Sunday held in Dresden – strictly confidential
    Photo: Sebastian Kahnert / dpa

    on the first day of the controversial annual meeting of Western corporate and state leaders, the previously much heralded resistance is kept within limits

    From Tino Moritz 
    issued on 10/06/2016

    Dresden. Christian Bärthel has at this Thursday afternoon a huge advantage with five letters – a micro. The 41-year-old Thuringian stands with his Mercedes-Caravan at Postplatz. If not just thunders a tram and swallows his syllables carrying boxes Bärthels voice from Playhouse on one side up to Zwinger and Taschenbergpalais on the other
    and there they should also arrive, meet in a luxury hotel but at the same time the first of a total of nearly 130 leaders at this year’s Bilderberg conference a. The ex-president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso of Portugal, including also former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger arrives early. As a regular guest of the now 93-year-old is also in Dresden privileges enjoy, such as that to be able to speak for longer than others. So at least it now has the ex-host Jürgen Trittin of the “Leipziger Volkszeitung” betrayed – and thus possibly already violated those secrecy rules whose strict adherence only led to the Image of Bilderberg as a secret world government since 1954.
    that except the participants and the topics list – but consisting only of buzzwords like “Russia”, “China”, “Cyber ​​Security”, “precariat” or “current events” – nothing penetrates to the outside, is also fueling speculative of protesters Bärthel. “The Octopus” is written on the windscreen of the car behind him, “No place for Bilderbergers” on a banner in front of it. On micro, his huge advantage in the afternoon, he castigates undaunted the “dictatorship of political correctness” that calls for “free word for free people in a free Germany” and calls to free themselves from the “apron strings internationalist conspirators”. Bärthel hardly listeners, but that does not seem to take care of him. He was once a member of the DVU and simply knows.

    Lone protest: the Ronneburger Christian Bärthel speaks all day against the Bilderbergers
    <. em> Photo: Sebastian Kahnert / dpa

    Calls on its website he Bilderbergers on to let him speak on Friday at noon for an hour to the “Islamization of Europe from a biblical perspective”. His offer they should rather have, because already in 2017 “will befall the judgments of God upon some of you and your country.” From another Bilderberg opponents is first almost nothing to see – up to that little group, which has set up in the theater square in front of the Semperoper under three pavilions. “Get out of NATO! No to imperialism and war,” reads a banner on a pamphlet called the “vigil for peace” the Bilderberg conference “just the tip of the iceberg ruthless elite politics”.

    Allegedly, the left alliance “mobilized nationwide”. But if you subtract the tourists, onlookers and journalists, it is not more than a dozen, which holds out bravely and deplores what the three CDU Minister Ursula von der Leyen (defense), Wolfgang Schäuble (Finance) and Thomas de Maizière (internal ) have as to discuss with other government officials, CEOs of Siemens to Shell, the head of the International Monetary Fund or the King of the Netherlands so


    For the police, which secures the trust meeting with a large contingent plus also can build security fence and Assembly ban around the hotel, it is a quiet prelude. Not to see is Pegida CEO Lutz Bachmann, who had announced on Monday still “a few actions” together with the New Right “One Percent” movement. While Prime Minister of Saxony Stanislaw Tillich (CDU) on Saturday evening hosted by the Bilderbergers, and opposition leader Rico Gebhardt is the spectacle critical – because “a lot of tax money” is spent for that “can not hide lack of money sufferer elites in luxury hotel”. will protest against the Left but not: “we do not want this effort justified by actions on the ground” – also not, because otherwise you would be side by side with right conspiracy theorists

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
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    World Government: The Bilderbergers meet in Dresden Empty What to Know About the Bilderberg Group’s Secret Annual Meeting

    Post by Rocky Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:57 am

    Little is known about the secretive group, but conspiracy theorists have plenty of ideas

    [size=50]What to Know About the Bilderberg Group’s Secret Annual Meeting[/size]

    June 9, 2016
    A shadowy world government. Political kingmakers. A capitalist cabal looking to impose its will across the globe. For decades, conspiracy theorists have tried to decode the secretive Bilderberg Group, an annual gathering of the some of the world’s most powerful figures, which begins Thursday in Dresden, Germany. But while little is known about what’s said at the private meetings, there are a few things that we do know about this year’s gathering.
    Since 1954, the Bilderberg Group has been gathering in secret to discuss everything from the rise and fall of communism to nuclear warfare to cybersecurity. The group began as a way to create more cooperation between Europe and North America during the Cold War, and Bilderberg releases an annual list of the people who will attend and the topics they’ll discuss, but beyond that, little leaves the walls of the meeting rooms.

    Bilderberg operates under the Chatham House Rule, which allow those who attend the meetings to use the information they glean but not to disclose who said what, according to Bilderberg’s website. That has spurred conspiracy theorists to claim that the group is imposing a new world order and playing kingmaker around the world.
    In 2000, British politician Denis Healey, who had been involved in Bilderberg for decades, told the Guardian, “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.”
    Theorists also cite the inclusion of Bill Clinton at the meetings in 1991 before he was president and Tony Blair’s presence in 1993 before he became the British prime minister as examples of the group’s power. Past attendees have included former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (who will also be attending this year), former Chase Manhattan chief executive David Rockefeller, and British Prime Minister David Cameron.
    Here’s the list of topics Bilderberg released to be discussed this year:
    [list="color: rgb(40, 40, 40); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 19.2px; line-height: 26.88px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; margin: 1em 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 40px; max-width: 640px;"]
    [*]Current events


    [*]Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity

    [*]Middle East


    [*]U.S. political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform


    [*]Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices

    [*]Precariat and middle class

    [*]Technological innovation

    Two-thirds of this year’s attendees are from Europe while a third are from the U.S., including Sam Altman, president of the tech seed accelerator Y Combinator; NBC News’s Richard Engel; Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina; LinkedIn CEO Reid Hoffman; and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.
    The Bilderberg Meetings website describes the gatherings as “a forum for informal discussions about major issues facing the world” and says no votes are taken and policy statements are not issued. Notes or minutes of the meeting aren’t taken either, giving conspiracy theorists even more reason to question what happens behind Bilderberg’s closed doors.

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:37 pm