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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Housing Fund distributes 8 billion dinars in loans to the beneficiaries in Diwaniya

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Housing Fund distributes 8 billion dinars in loans to the beneficiaries in Diwaniya Empty Housing Fund distributes 8 billion dinars in loans to the beneficiaries in Diwaniya

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Aug 2016, 3:07 am

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    Housing Fund distributes 8 billion dinars in loans to the beneficiaries in Diwaniya

     Diwaniya / improve Zergany 

    Announced the housing fund in the Ministry of Construction and municipalities, on Sunday, for the distribution of eight billion dinars to 500 borrowers in Diwaniya of 42 billion dedicated to the province, noting that the CBI was allocated 850 billion dinars for distribution to the provinces, while maintaining the management promised that it contributes move semi-paralyzed economic activity in which the provision of liquidity in the markets. The Director-General of the Fund, Bahaa Eddin Mustafa, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Diwaniya management and distributed today 500 instrument worth eight billion dinars, the borrowers to maintain, pointing out that" the fund allocated for Diwaniya 42 billion dinars in the current 2016 to support them in light of the financial crisis being experienced. "
    He said Mustafa, that " the Central Bank of Iraq was allocated to fund 850 billion dinars to be distributed asloans to beneficiaries in the provinces , " noting that " the payments will be distributed successively on borrowers who have completed their own administrative and legal procedures." 
    For his part, the governor of Diwaniyah, Sami al- Hasnawi, said in an interview to (long - Presse), " thehousing Fund 's commitment to provide loans to citizens is a positive step, contributing to some extent bymoving semi - paralyzed economic activity in the province, and providing liquidity in the markets."

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