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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Fidelity National calls on the government to intensify its efforts internationally to the post-Chapt

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Fidelity National calls on the government to intensify its efforts internationally to the post-Chapt Empty Fidelity National calls on the government to intensify its efforts internationally to the post-Chapt

    Post by Hkp1 Thu 27 Jun 2013, 6:25 pm

    Fidelity National calls on the government to intensify its efforts internationally to the post-Chapter VII

    06/27/2013 01:38

    Called Fidelity National, Wednesday, the Iraqi government to the need to intensify international efforts for the post-Iraq out of Chapter VII restrictions with a view to re-opening of embassies and consulates all States in Iraq, indicating that Iraq would emerge from international restrictions will restore its independence.

    The head of the bloc Abdul Khader Tahir's (IMN) said that "the Iraqi government and the Foreign Ministry to intensify efforts after coming out of Chapter VII for the re-opening of the embassies and consulates of countries that did not begin until now opened their embassies in Iraq," he said, adding that "it would bring Iraq back entirely to play a role in the region and the world. "

    Taher called for "the need to adopt a foreign policy and a clear and be a unified Iraqi political forces toward foreign policy of the Iraqi state," pointing out that "Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII will bring him his independence."

    He continued that "international sanctions have restricted Iraq politically and economically, in addition to the Iraq imposed on itself because of the dilemmas that blockade passed him after the year 2003, so on the Iraqi government to end the state of siege that it imposed on itself and opening up entirely on everyone."

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon said in a report submitted to the Security Council, remove Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII after Ivaúh all its international obligations.

    It is expected that the Security Council vote on Iraq out of Chapter VII of the day after tomorrow, Thursday, after Iraq's commitment to the implementation of all UN resolutions.

    These recommendations are internationalist important achievement is calculated on the successful foreign policy of the government.

    These recommendations emphasize the UN that Iraq returned stronger than the events of 1990, which saw the occupation of the dictatorial regime of the State of Kuwait.

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