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    Parliamentary calls to intensify efforts in the adoption of controversial laws


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Parliamentary calls to intensify efforts in the adoption of controversial laws Empty Parliamentary calls to intensify efforts in the adoption of controversial laws

    Post by wciappetta Mon 02 Feb 2015, 7:35 am

    Parliamentary calls to intensify efforts in the adoption of controversial laws

    2/2/2015 0:00 

    After consensus on the adoption of the budget
    BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid

    Politicians have called the executive and legislative branches of government to intensify efforts to approve a direct petition important laws with the citizen, stressing the need to leave the political differences and stay away from partisan and personal interests, which were prevalent in previous sessions. 

    The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, said earlier that Parliament binding legislation of laws and the distribution of imports and natural resources among the provinces. 

    House of Representatives decision Niazi Ihsanoglu, said the "morning", the intention of Parliament in the current session to pass important laws that were a matter of debate and controversy in previous sessions, such as the law of parties, oil and gas and the law of the Federal Court. 

    He said Ihsanoglu: "More than 300 bill restored constitutionally to the new government, which in turn reconsider them and put their observations and then work to bring it back to parliament," noting that "about 50 to 60 legally returned to the government." 

    He added that "there is a vital strategy laws sovereign belonging to the Iraqi state, political, judicial and economic regulation, including oil and gas and the law of parties, and the law of the Federal Court and other law, "and expressed his regret to block these laws for more than 8 years because of the lack of political consensus on them. 

    Between Ihsanoglu said the intent of the session and is determined to pass this one-laws again the other, noting that pass the budget this standard time is an achievement for the first time in a decade, calling for political blocs to leave the conflict and the sensitivity of existing and leave the interests partisan legislation of laws that concern the people. 

    In turn, the MP for the rule of law Abbas al-Bayati, the priority was to pass laws will be the laws mentioned in the government program and political document as a law Guard Aloutna.odaa Bayati during his interview with the "morning", everyone to cooperate and help one another in approving the budget in line and to continue cooperation between the executive and legislative approval authorities. 

    In addition, MP for mass citizen Habib Terminal, that the House of Representatives is determined to pass the stalled important laws that help to improve the overall situation of the country. 

    The Terminal "morning": "The parliament is seeking to approve the parties laws, oil and gas and the Federal Court and other laws that concern the people", calling for the need stay away from political differences and pass these laws that help to improve the overall situation. 

    The supreme religious authority has welcomed the approval of the House of Representatives general budget for the current year the law, arguing it "a correct step," while Parliament called for intensified efforts to legislate more laws and combating financial and administrative corruption .

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