Baghdad / Iraq News Network MP from calling for "reform branch of the " Party Zaher al - Abadi, Wednesday, about the existence of problematic between the political blocs about naming cabinet security hampered nominated and to vote on them within Alberlman.oukal Abadi in a press statement today: " The delay in submission of candidates to manage the security ministries and vote caused by the problems between the political blocs on the names of the ministers . "He added Abadi, that" the naming security minister will be delayed until after the liberation of Mosul process"citing that" Thinketh victory a specific destination on the other hand account, in addition to the head Minister wants there to be a minister and professionally Techno Hippocrates. " He predicted al - Abadi said , "and the defense and interior ministries file will be put in the parliament after the liberation of Mosul end , " noting that " the names of candidates presented by the political blocs, such as the National Forces Alliance and a coalition of the Bloc of Badr, but so far has not resolvedthe matter . " He called that " candidacy figures efficient fair with scientific discipline and professional work in the field so that they can manage the ministry and successful work.