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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In order to gain Almal..nizat trade issues of violence and displaced persons and orphans

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In order to gain Almal..nizat trade issues of violence and displaced persons and orphans Empty In order to gain Almal..nizat trade issues of violence and displaced persons and orphans

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Dec 2016, 1:50 am

    [ltr]In order to gain Almal..nizat trade issues of violence and displaced persons and orphans[/ltr]

     Since 18.12.2016 at 10:24 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Report - balances News
    He fired a group of activists of non-governmental organizations in Iraq and the elite media, an awareness campaign to claim embassies and international donor organizations for some Iraqi organizations, dealing files bashing women and orphans and displaced people and the issues of trafficking in women and survivors of grip Daesh, and to stop financial support for some of these organizations.
    Said activist and media Zainab Ali al-Kaabi, said that "to monitor cases of trafficking of human suffering experienced by the community's issues, and the transfer of funds granted to projects shelters and domestic violence for trading purposes and reap riches and buy homes, luxury cars and gold jewelry, and spotted these violations through investigative work cell and special visits and conversations with the displaced, homeless and battered women, and through the eyewitnesses of the women who have been excluded from these organizations. "
    He said al-Kaabi, said that "there are monitoring cases carried out by a number of organizations and management, by the single-family and from the same family as well as the manipulation of numbers, special cases of monitoring for the purpose of swaying kindness and financial gain from donor organizations," noting that "urgent message was routed to the embassies of the countries and organizations international support to stop and reconsider what to offer, and there is a response and reactions Almenahin, and those interested in the campaign, and they told us their dismay because of the corruption of such organizations as she put it. "
    And demanded al-Kaabi, all interested civil society and the media to "support the campaign and moral support with full force to evict these organizations, which have traded our causes and pull the rug out of them, indicating that the cell work of electronic army and organizations support has been formed, to say the right word, and enough for those who play Bakedarna without effective action" .
    She drew Kaabi, said that "the most serious reports submitted in advance were from Iraq not only armed conflict has affected the family environment in Iraq, but impunity because of the absence of deterrent regulatory, security and pest outbreaks in areas of Iraq, including human trafficking and human organs and drug abuse and marriage outside the framework of the court migrate in search of livelihood, and all of these reasons and others, weighed heavily on women and children directly. "
    Kaabi noted, that "the humanitarian organizations concerned with these files, mostly turned out to dealers and mafias traded humanitarian issues and discredited."
    Kaabi and refused to "trade in the name of humanity and not an invitation awareness of international public opinion and local tighten the belt and curtail the role of some of these organizations that have reaped billions on the misery of the Iraqi tragedy, it says" .anthy 29
    From: Flaih slain

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      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 1:35 am