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    Economist: high world price of gold will increase the price of locally

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Economist: high world price of gold will increase the price of locally Empty Economist: high world price of gold will increase the price of locally

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 28 Jul 2013, 5:38 pm

    Economist: high world price of gold will increase the price of locally

    28-07-2013 12:41 PM

    Baghdad (news) .. He favored an economist Dergham Mohammed Ali, increase the price of gold in the domestic market due to a wave of its price rises in world markets.

    Said Mohammed Ali (of the Agency news): The gold market Iraqi linked to fully and absolute global market and rising upside 'to share Blhoudh' as ​​possible to undergo the price of gold in Iraq to change several times a day depending on the change in price in a single session of Exchanges World, especially the London Stock Exchange.

    He added: appetite for buying gold world by some countries contributed to the recovery in prices after it declined significantly over the past two months, stressing that Iraq is not subject to the price of gold supply and demand, but prices workmanship or the so-called wage wording may be subject to supply and demand, but the gram gold price linked to the entire global market.

    He continued: in addition to that there is no possibility at the present time to break this link that the Iraqi market, open market There is currently no tariff كمركية on the import of gold excluding tax reconstruction of Iraq, which apply to all imported goods, as well as the availability of large quantities of gold local rolling in the markets and covers Almost sizes demand.

    And see the price of gold in international markets increased significantly with the decline in the price of the U.S. dollar, which made some economists fear its impact on the local market that rely on foreign imports in meeting the needs of the local market. / End / 8.'s. M /

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