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    Procedures to decode the traffic jams

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Procedures to decode the traffic jams Empty Procedures to decode the traffic jams

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 May 2017, 2:12 am

    Procedures to decode the traffic jams

    05/04/2017 0:00

    Abadi directives include lifting checkpoints and the opening of closed roads
    Baghdad / morning / Tariq al-Araji
    The government rushed through their competent agencies to take deliberate measures to lift the traffic jams that have occurred recently in the streets of the capital Baghdad.
    These measures came as directed by Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al - Abadi , which include the lifting of checkpoints and gradual opening of closed roads.
    According to a source at the Interior Ministry for "morning", the "measures also include traffic regulation by intensifying patrols and the presence of traffic police 24 hours a day, as well as the introduction of modern technological means." The prime minister announced at a press conference yesterday evening (Tuesday) to approve the lifting of checkpoints and the opening of closed roads. As part of a related development , a spokesman for the leadership of Dr. Brigadier General Saad Maan said a special statement to the "morning": that " the directives of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al - Abadi, stressed the need to lift checkpoints and Almrabotat in the capital to ease the burden on citizens in conjunction with the improvement of the security situation."
    He revealed " the preparation of the leadership plan to raise the checkpoints and Almrabotat that there is no justification for its existence after studying the security in which the situation with the intensification of the intelligence effort that the ministry and leadership is working to develop it because the next war after the elimination of gangs" Daesh "criminal, would be intelligence."
    He noted " the continued lifting of checkpoints and Almrabotat especially after the intensification of security fortifications in the vicinity of the capital Baghdad , which reached an advanced stage, noting that the leadership has recently proceeded to raise the 150 stationed and 30 control, including Sitarat Harithiyah Mosque pratha inspired factor Sidiyah and fast torch, as well as opening the streets closed in the Karkh and Rusafa. "

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