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    The guarantor States signed a memorandum of "stop the escalation" zones in Syria

    Admin Assist
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    The guarantor States signed a memorandum of "stop the escalation" zones in Syria Empty The guarantor States signed a memorandum of "stop the escalation" zones in Syria

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 May 2017, 2:00 am

    The guarantor States signed a memorandum of "stop the escalation" zones in Syria


    Representatives of the guarantors of the negotiations on the Astana signed the establishment of special "stop escalation" zones in Syria memorandum, during the general meeting of the final negotiations "Astana -4".

    The Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Kirat Abdurahmanov, the end of the Astana talks on Syria, saying: "Astana has shown its effectiveness in building confidence between the different parties," and expressed hope "that Astana process contribute to the discussion of the political component," according to Russia today.

    He added, Abdul Rahmonov, on Thursday at the plenary meeting, the guarantors of the negotiations Astana countries signed a document to establish "stop the escalation" zones, calling on the international and regional actors in efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis to participate, as demanded by the introduction of humanitarian aid to areas affected by the conflict in Syria.

    The Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, that the upcoming talks session in Astana will be held in mid-July next, said: "the guarantor States decided to hold a meeting leadership in Astana at a high level in mid-July," pointing out that the meeting would be preceded by expert consultations.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 9:42 pm