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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves

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    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves Empty Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Aug 2013, 3:43 am

    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to invest

    20-08-2013 04:58 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Committee on the economy parliamentary Hussein
    المرعبي, that Iraq is a fertile environment for investment and trade, but it lacks the facilities business, which allows companies to invest in it so it needs to amend the Companies Act. said المرعبي (of the Agency news): Iraq has so far not the activating law of customs tariff on Despite that most of the countries open to Iraq and trying to build trade and economic relations. said: that he must amend the law firms according to the correct bases far from any Tlkaat and صبغتها be an Iraqi is imported from any other country, adding that companies operating in Iraq are suffering from wasting time and delays due to deadly routine procedures and the lack of facilities. noted that increased trade proposal to amend the Companies Act after a surge in the pace of foreign companies in the trade and faced after routine procedures. / End / 5. g. / mm

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    DieHard Investor
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    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves Empty Re: Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves

    Post by wayoutnow Tue 20 Aug 2013, 3:48 am

    They know what needs to be done , r they just stupid or what ??? Inact UR laws and lets get this thing rolling $$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Interacting Investor
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    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves Empty Re: Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves

    Post by weslin3 Tue 20 Aug 2013, 7:28 am

    Maybe the wealthy ones just don't care.... Then one day they will wake up and say where are my cars, food and clothing? Oh yea, we forgot we starved the lowly ones that did all of this for us and they are gone.... 

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    Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves Empty Re: Member of the economy: Iraq needs to amend the Companies Act to encourage foreign companies to inves

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