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    Turkish opposition leader: We reject interference in Iraqi affairs


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Turkish opposition leader: We reject interference in Iraqi affairs Empty Turkish opposition leader: We reject interference in Iraqi affairs

    Post by chouchou Sat 24 Aug 2013, 7:03 am

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    Expect the leader of the Turkish Republican People's Party opposition, Kamal Klkdar, Ihsanoglu, a return to normal between Turkey and Iraq after the tension that happened between them throughout the past period, stressing that his visit to Iraq came to repair the political gaps between the two countries.

    He said Ihsanoglu in an interview »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network» after Tadhaifa and deputies from his party before the Foreign Relations Committee of Parliament in the House of Representatives that the Iraqi people and the Turkish linked bonds of social and historical ties and common cultural, but he also said: that his visit to Baghdad aimed at removing political developments gaps between the two governments, and restore relations between Iraq and Turkey to normal.

    Turkish greetings

    Ihsanoglu, who is head of the largest opposition party in Turkey, he came loaded with greetings and peace by the Turkish people for the Iraqi neighbor, wishing communication and the development of relations between the two countries within the framework of mutual respect, and expected return water to normalcy between the two countries in the near term.

    Ihsanoglu continued: that Iraq has enormous potential and natural and human resources, which is the cradle of Civilizations in the world, expressing support for the prosperity of the relations between the two countries and developed in the framework of joint cooperation at all levels.

    He began the tension between Turkey and Iraq after the fall of the previous regime in 2003 by not granting Iraq entitlement of water in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and building a lot of dams to be booked and then criticism repeated the government and the prosecution has engaged inhumane with a number of provinces, and the support of some political parties and personalities in an attempt to bring down the political process and harboring convicted Tareq al-Hashemi, as well as attempts to foment discord in those areas in order to be performed people بالصدام with government forces.

    The leader of the Republican People's Party Turkish opposition Kamal Ihsanoglu arrived at the head of a large delegation from the Republican People's Party opposition to the Government of Turkey to Baghdad at the invitation of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and met a number of officials, most notably al-Maliki and Vice President for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi.

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