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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops Empty Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops

    Post by chouchou Sun 06 Oct 2013, 4:13 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    [ltr]Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase prices of agricultural crops of rice and wheat crops[/ltr]

    [ltr]{Baghdad: Euphrates News}

    MP on the mass of citizens were part of the National Alliance, Abdul-Hussein Abtan the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase prices of agricultural crops.

    [ltr]Abtan told Euphrates News Agency {} on Sunday, "We call on the Ministry of Agriculture and trade increase prices of agricultural crops of wheat, barley, rice, corn, dates and the application of the decision of the House of Representatives in hair Xraam 2010 your help farmers to overcome the difficulties."

    Abtan demanded the Ministry of Agriculture "by providing wheat seeds distributed to farmers to prepare for planting wheat in the next month."

    The country has witnessed during the last winter season, heavy rains led to increased agricultural areas in the provinces with the arrival of the Iraqi dams to the stage of sufficient water to irrigate agricultural areas after drought experienced era Iraqi agriculture with agricultural affairs specialists optimism a good agricultural season after a wave of heavy rains.

    It is noteworthy that the agricultural sector in Iraq suffers from a significant decline for years, because of the multiple wars during the previous period, as well as the lack of government support for the sector, and to follow a policy of openness is studied on the import of agricultural products from neighboring countries and other countries, even pat Iraq and one of the major importing countries for agricultural products in the region.

    The Ministry of Agriculture has revealed, on August 12, 2013, as "on the doors of the threshold of self-sufficiency in wheat crop," and indicated that it "achieved a rate of increase exceeded 50%" of what has been received of wheat in the past year, usually it as a signifies "the success of the plan in providing food security for the Iraqi people.

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    Wayne Irby
    Wayne Irby
    Cain't Let Go Investor
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    Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops Empty Re: Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops

    Post by Wayne Irby Sun 06 Oct 2013, 5:37 am

    Revalue your currency and you can increase the price of everything plus help your country!
    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops Empty Re: Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops

    Post by wayoutnow Sun 06 Oct 2013, 9:14 am

    IMHO the tariff law will increase this by 50 percent !!!

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    Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops Empty Re: Abtan demanding the ministries of agriculture and trade to increase the prices of agricultural crops

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