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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Security warns of an invasion calling on the terrorist to Samarra

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Security warns of an invasion calling on the terrorist to Samarra Empty Parliamentary Security warns of an invasion calling on the terrorist to Samarra

    Post by Rocky Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:18 am

    Parliamentary Security warns of an invasion calling on the terrorist to Samarra
    March 11 2018 12:26 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Governor of Zamili[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    The chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense in the Iraqi parliament, governor of Zamili, warned of the invasion of the organization calling for a city that includes sacred shrines to the Shiites in the province of Salah al-Din in the north of the country.

    Nine members of an al-Qaeda organization were killed in a large-scale attack on the organization, seeking to infiltrate the city of Samarra in Salahuddin, 125 km north of Baghdad.

    The city of Samarra is holy to the Shiites because of the tomb of Imams Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askari, who are imams of the Twelve Shi'a Muslims.

    "The security forces repulsed the biggest attack of Dahesh south of the city of Samarra, killing a number of elements of the organization as well as 3 members of the security and wounding others," Zamili said at a news conference in Samarra.

    "The area of ​​the hole south of the city of Samarra has become a haven for cells of a sympathetic organization, and they exploit the security spaces between the military sectors to launch attacks."

    Al-Zamili warned of attacks, saying that the organization plans to enter the city of Samarra and target religious shrines.

    He said Zamili that "11 thousand elements of the forces deployed in the desert area 70 kilometers south of Samarra, a large area that needs other numbers of troops to hold it," pointing out that "the region needs to re-survey and deployment of troops with the participation of the Ministries of Defense and Interior."

    The bombing of the Shi'ite shrine in Samarra in 2006 by unknown individuals was the direct cause of widespread sectarian violence that lasted nearly two years across Iraq between Sunnis and Shiites.

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