ttributed the leader of the parliamentary bloc, MP Burhan Mamouri, Thursday, the loss of the country's wealth to the spread of the culture of corruption, calling on the Prime Minister to restore confidence in the citizen who lost confidence in anti-corruption slogans. 

"The corruption in the Iraqi state has become a prevailing culture after it was actually criminalized by the law and punished, " Al-Mamouri said in a statement received by Alsumaria News. "Any ministry or department is almost devoid of corruption suspicions, which led to the loss of wealth and the decline Performance level to low levels. "

"All successive governments have raised the slogan of fighting corruption and enacted the necessary laws to implement it, and even developed specialized institutions to fight corruption and hold corrupt officials from the Integrity Commission to the offices of public inspectors." All these laws and institutions to fight corruption and prosecute corrupt people But more and more corruption and a significant decline in performance, and the best proof of this is not to charge an official proved evidence of corruption and corruption at the expense of public money.

The leader of the parliamentary bloc Sawsan that "there is a kind of mistrust between the citizen and the government on the fact of combating corruption, as it has not touched over the past 15 years a serious seriousness in dealing with this serious file that threatens the security and stability and development of the country," calling the President of the Council Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to "enhance the confidence of the citizen through concrete steps and firm to encircle the culture of corruption and eliminate it and expose those who obstruct or scuttle all those who stand in the face of Fatah files that caused the waste of public money." 

"The citizen today wants concrete measures on the ground leading to expose officials who have affected the expense of public funds and their imprisonment in prison, as well as the recovery of all the money they stole without fear or hesitation or courtesy," adding that "the citizen lost confidence in anti-corruption slogans "He said. 

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi "The above is a road map at the current level and we will announce our strategic plan through the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption," he said.