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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment

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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment

    Post by Rocky Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:36 pm

    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment

    09:22 - 27/04/2020

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed on Monday that the rate of default in the repayment of loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them one of the "anomalous" rates in the world.
    The relationship said in a statement reported by the newspaper "Al-Sabah" and seen by him / the information, that " [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] suffers from a phenomenon of defaulting on loan payments, which leads to banks' reservation on the lending process in general."
    He added, "The loan default rate exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate compared to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and the rest of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."
    The relationship explained, “ [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]When it reaches this level, it makes the banks and the lending agencies hesitate a lot and ask for more guarantees. Noting that “the solution to this problem lies in the fact that there is thinking by specialists, and that the government addresses one way or another to find a treatment for this matter, because it is one of the phenomena The public that makes banks reluctant to provide loans. ” Ended / 25

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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty Central Bank: Iraq suffers from default by paying loans by 20 percent

    Post by Rocky Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:51 pm

    [size=36]Central Bank: Iraq suffers from default by paying loans by 20 percent[/size]

    Political | 08:11 - 27/04/2020

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News
    , Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq revealed on Monday that the rate of non-performing loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them to be "abnormal" rates in the world.
    Al-Alaq said, "Iraq is suffering from the phenomenon of defaulting on loan repayments, which leads to banks' reservations about the lending process in general."
    He added, "The loan default rate exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate compared to Iraq and the rest of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."
    And the relationship between, "When Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and lenders hesitate a lot, and it requests more guarantees, indicating that"

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    Admin Assist
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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty The central bank talks about "anomalous" financial phenomenon in Iraq with the loan repayment file

    Post by Rocky Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:25 pm

    [size=41]The central bank talks about "anomalous" financial phenomenon in Iraq with the loan repayment file

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Yassin Iraq: Baghdad
    The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed today, Monday, that the rate of default in the repayment of loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them one of the "anomalous" rates in the world.
    Al-Alaq said, in a press statement that "Iraq is suffering from the phenomenon of defaulting on the repayment of loans, which leads to the reservation of banks on the lending process in general."
    He added, "The loan default rate exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate compared to Iraq and the rest of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."
    And the relationship between, "When Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and lending agencies hesitate a lot, and requests more guarantees," noting that "the solution to this problem lies in the existence of thinking by specialists, and that the government respond in one way or another to find a treatment for this matter" Because it is one of the general phenomena that make banks hesitate to provide loans.

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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty central bank: the default rate of loan repayment in iraq is “odd”

    Post by Rocky Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:29 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=40]central bank: the default rate of loan repayment in iraq is “odd”
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] On 4/27/2020 - 9:34 AM  32[/size]
    Al-Ahed News- Baghdad
    The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, affirmed that the rate of non-performing loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them to be "anomalous" rates in the world.
    Al-Alaq said, in a press statement: "Iraq suffers from the phenomenon of defaulting on loan repayments, which leads to banks' reservation on the lending process in general."
    He added, "The default rate in loans exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate in comparison between Iraq and other countries of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."
    And the relationship between, "When Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and lending agencies hesitate a lot, and requests more guarantees," noting that "the solution to this problem lies in the existence of thinking by specialists, and that the government respond in one way or another to find a treatment for this matter" Because it is one of the general phenomena that make banks hesitate to provide loans.

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    Admin Assist
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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty Central Bank: The default rate of loan repayment in Iraq is "odd" compared to other countries

    Post by Rocky Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:34 pm

    Central Bank: The default rate of loan repayment in Iraq is "odd" compared to other countries

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]readings: 51
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [rtl]Baghdad / Nina / The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, affirmed that the rate of default in the repayment of loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them one of the "anomalous" rates in the world.

    Al-Alaq said, in a press statement: "Iraq is suffering from the existence of the phenomenon of defaulting on loan repayments, which leads to banks' reservation on the lending process in general."

    He added, "The loan default rate exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate in comparison between Iraq and other countries of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."

    And the relationship between, that "when Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and the lending agencies hesitate a lot, and requests more guarantees," noting that "the solution to this problem lies in the existence of thinking by specialists, and that the government respond in one way or another to find a treatment for this matter" Because it is one of the general phenomena that make banks reluctant to provide loans ./ End 8[/rtl]

    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment Empty Re: Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq suffers from anomalous rates of loan repayment

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