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    MPs warn: Attacks on diplomatic missions prompted investors to flee quickly

    Admin Assist
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    MPs warn: Attacks on diplomatic missions prompted investors to flee quickly Empty MPs warn: Attacks on diplomatic missions prompted investors to flee quickly

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Jul 2021, 2:59 pm

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    On Friday (July 9, 2021), members of Parliament warned against the withdrawal of foreign companies operating in Iraq due to the repeated targeting of diplomatic missions in Iraq and the international coalition forces, saying that “many” investors had already left work on Iraqi lands for this reason, in addition to “extortion and bargaining” operations. and corruption.”
    The past few days have witnessed an escalation in attacks against diplomatic missions and military bases, some of which host US forces and others within the international coalition.
    These attacks affected Erbil International Airport and the vicinity of the US Consulate in this city, in addition to the US Embassy in Baghdad and Ain al-Assad base, as well as the "Victoria" base at Baghdad International Airport, in addition to repeated bombings with explosive devices targeting convoys of the International Coalition in separate cities.
    A missile attack targeting Ain al-Assad base last Wednesday, wounding 3 people inside the base with "minor injuries", according to a statement by the coalition, and caused material damage to the "Al-Baghdadi" area in Anbar as a result of the American response to the truck from which the missiles were launched, 5 of which exploded on the Board the truck itself before it is launched.
    "Iraq's sovereignty and reputation are at risk"

    A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Harim Agha, told  IQ News , "The country's sovereignty and reputation are in danger before the international community as a result of the repeated strikes on diplomatic missions and the headquarters of the international coalition forces in Iraq and its columns."
    He added, "These events lead to the failure of the government's attempts and endeavors to revitalize the country's economy and create a safe environment to attract investment companies to the country, and will lead, if they continue, to the withdrawal of public foreign companies in Iraq in various sectors."  
    Agha added, "These violations also affect the country's reconstruction and the international community's attempt to help the country financially."  
    In their meetings and foreign visits, Iraqi officials urge other countries and their companies to invest in Iraq and participate in the reconstruction process.
    Many investors fled.
    “While Iraq suffers from a very critical economic situation, and needs the entry of investment companies that operate the idle factories and factories and thus reduce unemployment rates, many investors fled shortly after entering Iraq,” says Nada Shaker Jawdat, a member of the Parliamentary Economic Committee.
    Jawdat added in her interview with  IQ News , "The flight of these investors upon entering Iraq is due to corruption, bargaining and extortion, as well as the lack of a safe environment for investment."
    She also says that "Arab, foreign and even local capital is afraid of investing in Iraq as a result of the unstable security conditions."
    Iraq is one of the countries at the top of the global "corruption" indicators, and occupied the first places in the Mercer scale of the most corrupt countries in the world, during the past few years.
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