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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jaafari meets infallible and looking with a delegation from the steps of forming a government of nat


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Jaafari meets infallible and looking with a delegation from the steps of forming a government of nat Empty Jaafari meets infallible and looking with a delegation from the steps of forming a government of nat

    Post by chouchou Fri 25 Jul 2014, 9:52 am

    Visited the head of the Iraqi National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, President Mohammad Fuad Masum day, and gave him a congratulatory; occasion of his accession to the post of President of the Republic, as discussed with a delegation from the National Coalition yesterday evening events highlighted the political and security situation in the country. 

    [ltr]A statement from his office had received and Euphrates News Agency {} copy of it today for al-Jaafari to say we made congratulations to His Excellency the President of the Republic, and we wish him Muwafaqiya, and do in such a circumstance efforts, and benefit from his previous experience, and his status among the various factions in overcoming obstacles to the completion of the rest of our missions in this critical juncture that the country is going through, and at the same time, coordination between authorities as President represents the sovereignty of Iraq, and is keen on coordination between the executive and legislative branches; These things improve the security situation, and the reduction of the time of completion of the other links in the political process. "

    And on the selection of the vice president in the next session of parliament confirmed al-Jaafari said, "I did not speak in this matter, but it is understood that the Vice-President of the Republic are not as Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Venaúba parliament speaker is chosen by the parliament, but on the behalf of the Presidency of the Republic, The Constitution expressly text that the President of the Republic is the one who chooses his deputies, and will be in coordination with other blocs. "

    According to another statement, received in his office in Baghdad's al-Jaafari, a delegation from the national coalition headed by Dr. Mahmoud scene yesterday evening, and was discussed during the meeting in the most prominent political events, and security in the country, and the completion of the formation of the new session of the political process, particularly the formation of the next government. "

    The statement said, "It was also stressed on the need to see the House of Representatives a positive atmosphere reflect the unity of one people, and working to restore political stability and security, and the enactment of laws that help support the economic sector, and raises the level of services, and development, and the need to work approach integrative between authorities all"

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