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    11 step of American strategy toward Iraq's stability and unity

    Admin Assist
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    11 step of American strategy toward Iraq's stability and unity Empty 11 step of American strategy toward Iraq's stability and unity

    Post by Rocky Thu 31 Jul 2014, 2:47 pm

    11 step of American strategy toward Iraq's stability and unity


    Anthony cordesman wrote: there are good reasons for the United States to try to prevent radical Islamic State characterized by violence in Iraq and Syria, and reverse the gains of the Organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant «daash», and help push Iraq to return to the form of Government is more stable and more United.
    Maybe all of this is still possible despite the drifting hard towards civil war, are now at least three years, and the gains of the Organization of the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, and the failures of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and intransigence.
    Unity and stability of Iraq mission not impossible
    Such an effort would mean, however, that the United States should find a way to reduce the control regulation «daash» and defeated, without taking a broader civil war in Iraq.
    Means the bridge with all factions divided and increasingly polarized on Iraq, at the same time meeting the challenges of creating a national unity Government more effective and coherent in Iraq and try to support Iraqi forces and rebuilt.
    At the same time, the United States should consider the risk posed by a broader set of new strategic forces in the Middle East, beyond Iraq, and start engaging the United States in a new form of competition, or great game, with Russia and possibly China as well.
    And Al-Maliki is in many ways a threat to the security interests of the United States as an organization '' daash», and US policy toward Iraq cannot be separated from civil war in Syria or Iran's ambitions in the region. And the United States need to think strategically about the region over the next decade, instead of focusing on short-term crisis.
    This means putting things according to their priorities, rather than just focusing on the crisis in Iraq and Syria.

    Process steps
    In practice, this means the following steps in detail:
    -Focus on stabilization and association with the main allies in the region.
    -Focus on the threat of violent extremism and terrorist actually without bias by sectarian or ethnic, or stand by a civil war.
    -The treatment of Iraq and Syria as an integrated mix of threats and opportunities.
    -Approach Al-Maliki as a threat as far as organizing '' daash» and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.
    -Provide strong support for the unified national Iraqi Government actually if this Government has emerged, and encourage Iraq to establish a form of federalism and a more practical basis for unity.
    -Make sure that the Iraqi Kurds option and intensify coordination with them.
    -Fit the Assad regime as possible and keep the option open of the moderate opposition or to settle after the lion.
    -Focus on the successful negotiations of the five plus one with Iran without setting unrealistic goals for broader rapprochement and, at the same time, actively seek to contain Iranian influence in Iraq and elsewhere.
    -Responding to new Chinese and Russian activities and strategic challenges.
    -Work with Israel to guarantee its security while continuing peace efforts visible.
    -Maintain links with Egypt in conjunction with the quest to make the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi milder.
    And a strategy for coping with the problems will never be as popular as a strategy trying to find short-term solutions. But it is likely to prove more realistic with time.

    Multiple crises
    The United States would not be forced to fight a long war against extremism in the Middle East, but it certainly will have to continue dealing with multiple crises in the Middle East over the next decade at least. 

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