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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expectations of growth of e-commerce and its development in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Expectations of growth of e-commerce and its development in Iraq Empty Expectations of growth of e-commerce and its development in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:10 pm

    Expectations of growth of e-commerce and its development in Iraq

    8/23/2014 0:00 
    BAGHDAD Mustafa al-Hashemi 
    at the time showed a report released recently by one of the companies that e-commerce will be the main engine for the economies of the Arab world during the 10 years to come, predicted an expert in the field of electronics and online success and the evolution of this type of trade in Iraq for possession of the basic components have represented the spread of Internet service across the country. 
    added a specialist in the field of Internet and software electronic engineer Ali known in a statement (morning) that this type of trade emerged in Iraq since 2007, but it was visible weak because of the situation at the time, pointing out that the activity of trade has made ​​a comeback strongly after the emergence of websites Iraqi announces the sale of goods and personal needs of small to be reached stage majored where these sites to sell real estate, cars and so on. 
    pointed to the growth of social networking online and increase their impact on purchasing decisions and shopping as a result of increasing interaction between the users of those networks and their role in expansion of this trade to go out of their scope to the local regional and external. He noted that the revitalization of this trade and activated in the largest requires the development of electronic payment means to meet the requirements of consumers in the region, including guarantees them the introduction of money into Iraq from their assets abroad, pointing out that the introduction of money into the country's toughest him taken out and transferred because of stringent measures to prevent the laundering operations Alamwal.ocd known the importance of the opening credits of electronic banks for remittances, especially for users of accounts Visa and MasterCard as a widespread and traded widely in the countries of the world. 
    was the central bank had said earlier in the possibility of expanding the work of banks and money transfer companies and mobile phone companies and the exercise of any the activities of electronic payment in the event of their willingness to work system services electronic payment of money No. 2 for the year 2014.uetoqa report issued by the Company Beaufort, about «Indicators industry of electronic payments in the Arab world in 2014» to increase the volume of sales in the e-commerce industry in the Arab world 9 billion dollars in 2012 to 15 billion dollars in the year 2015 Regarding trade via mobile phones is expected to rise through the sales that are made ​​from 900 million dollars in 2012 to 3 billion dollars in the year 2015, which reflects the huge potential characterized by these commercial channel in Almntqh.oichir report that the year 2014 saw what we can call it «Internet revolution» in the Arab world, where the number of users to 28 million users. 
    witnessing the Arab region continued growth and accelerating the rates of huge toward reliance on commerce and e-services central rate of growth in electronic payments doubling annually, has contributed to the spread of mobile phones in the smart play a major role in the growth of dependence on electronic payment, where phones become equipped with Internet service more accessible in the region.

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