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    Parliament decides to hold a public hearing next week to reveal the details of the incident Spyker

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament decides to hold a public hearing next week to reveal the details of the incident Spyker  Empty Parliament decides to hold a public hearing next week to reveal the details of the incident Spyker

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Aug 2014, 8:11 am

    Parliament decides to hold a public hearing next week to reveal the details of the incident Spyker 

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    Decision of the House of Representatives revealed Niazi Ihsanoglu, Wednesday, that the parliament decided to hold a public hearing next week to reveal the details of the incident Spyker, and among that the meeting will be attended by security chiefs and the families of the victims of al-Qaida, said he will be held accountable for negligence and bring them to justice. 

    Ihsanoglu said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, held a meeting with the commander of operations Salahuddin Lt. Gen. Ali Mafraji and a number of security leaders to discuss the issue of missing persons incident Base Speicher," noting that "the presidency of the Council insists on access to the facts and uncover the circumstances of what happened in Spyker, especially after the formation of an investigative committee of the parliament. " 

    The decision of the parliament that "next week will hold a hearing dedicated in this regard", pointing out that it "will be a public hearing in front of the public opinion in the presence of security leaders and families of the victims and witnesses who survived the incident to find out the errors and the officers in charge that led to the incident and provide officers to justice ". 

    Ihsanoglu said he "will provide officers for negligence in the incident to justice." 

    A parliamentary source revealed on Wednesday (27 August 2014), that House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, held a meeting with security chiefs to discuss the issue of Spyker and the allocation of a hearing to discuss the issue with the presence of the victims. 

    The Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, on Wednesday, for the formation of a committee as "revenge for the martyrs of Spyker" to hunt down the perpetrators of the murder of about 1,700 students from the military base, urged the security agencies to prosecute the perpetrators of a crime Masjid Musab bin Omair in Diyala and bombings targeting Shiite mosques in Baghdad . 

    The organization "Daash" executed hundreds of prison inmates Badush in Mosul and students Base Speicher north of Tikrit when to impose its control over these areas, the middle of last June, while security sources said that the reason for their execution dates back to the sectarian backgrounds. 

    Organization and dissemination of timely images on the Internet for young Menbtahin on their faces in the open and masked gunmen standing behind their weapons toward the nozzles mentors young people, and said that these are part of the Base Speicher students who have been executed, while the places of their bodies remained unidentified.

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