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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic calls for the formation of a permanent committee to negotiate with 3 c

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The President of the Republic calls for the formation of a permanent committee to negotiate with 3 c Empty The President of the Republic calls for the formation of a permanent committee to negotiate with 3 c

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Jun 2023, 6:51 am

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    The President of the Republic calls for the formation of a permanent committee to negotiate with 3 countries regarding water

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    14:24  2023-06-25  18  Policy 0

    Today, Sunday, the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, confirmed work to establish the Supreme Council for Water, calling for the formation of a permanent committee to conduct negotiations with Turkey, Syria and Iran regarding water.
    And a statement by the Presidency of the Republic stated, “The President of the Republic, Abdel Latif Jamal Rashid, visited today the headquarters of the Ministry of Water Resources, where he was received by the Minister of Water Resources, Aoun Diab Abdullah, and the advanced staff in the ministry, including advisors and general managers,” noting that “Rashid held a meeting with the minister, During which the achievements and challenges facing the work of the ministry were reviewed, and he also listened to an explanation given by the minister about the volume of efforts and work performed by the ministry's staff in order to secure and preserve water.
    The statement added, "The President of the Republic visited the photo gallery at the Ministry of Water Resources, then went to the meeting room, where he delivered a lecture entitled (The general water situation in Iraq; possibilities ... problems ... future proposals)."
    In his lecture, Rashid referred to "the role of water as an essential element in the field of social and economic development all over the world and in Iraq, where the first Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations arose on the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers thousands of years ago," stressing that "in order to understand what the future holds for Iraq, we must To look at water policies and the challenges they face in investing in water resources.
    Rashid pointed, according to the statement, to "a group of points that contributed to the emergence of the current water crisis, including climate change and the actions of neighboring countries, as well as water management in Iraq."
    For his part, the Minister of Water Resources referred, during his conversation with the President of the Republic, according to the statement, to "the important support provided by the President of the Republic to the Ministry in order to achieve its desired goals and overcome the water crisis."
    Rashid affirmed, "The Presidency's support for the ministry," pointing to "the need to form a permanent committee to conduct negotiations and meetings with Turkey, Syria and Iran."
    He stressed "the importance of intensifying media awareness and guidance campaigns to shed light on the water crisis and possible solutions and remedies," stressing that "the Presidency of the Republic is working to establish the Supreme Water Council."
    In turn, the Director General of the National Center for Water Resources Management, Hatem Hamid, spoke about the "visit of the Iraqi delegation to Turkey," noting that "the delegation discussed with the Turkish side the water file, Iraq's water needs, and providing the Iraqi side with the operational plan adopted by the Turkish side, while the Iraqi delegation requested an increase in water releases according to the needs of the country.
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