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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Middle Oil is "concealed".. "Suspicious" scenes behind the explosion of a gas pipeline in Taji

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Middle Oil is "concealed".. "Suspicious" scenes behind the explosion of a gas pipeline in Taji Empty Middle Oil is "concealed".. "Suspicious" scenes behind the explosion of a gas pipeline in Taji

    Post by Rocky Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:21 am

    [size=35][size=35]Middle Oil is "concealed".. "Suspicious" scenes behind the explosion of a gas pipeline in Taji[/size][/size]
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    2024-08-09 | 05:12
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    Alsumaria News - Economy

    Members of the parliamentary oil and gas committee led, during the past two days, a campaign to reveal "suspicious" details related to pumping gas from the East Baghdad field into the pipes leading to the Taji power station, while information indicates that the gas that was pumped was "untreated" and that the pipe exploded after pumping the gas before the pipe maintenance was completed or the gas was pumped at a pressure greater than the pipe's capacity.


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    Video clips showed the tour of the members of the Oil Committee, Ali Al-Mashkoor, Muhannad Al-Khazraji and Adel Al-Mahlawi, at the site of the pipeline explosion, directing a series of questions to the officials of the pipelines and gas pumping in the East Baghdad field in the Central Oil Company, where some officials admitted that the gas that was pumped was “untreated” gas, which causes great harm to the residents of the areas surrounding the pipeline from East Baghdad to the Taji power station.

    The pipeline explosion coincided with the Oil Minister's announcement of the opening of the associated gas compression station in the East Baghdad field on Thursday, August 1, next week. A member of the Oil Committee indicated that pumping gas before completing the pipeline maintenance was a "game" that the officials of the Middle Oil Company wanted to play in front of the Oil Minister during his visit to the company to record an achievement in pumping gas or that there was no gas flaring in the field.

    During their visit to the site of the pipeline explosion, the committee members observed the lack of enclosure or isolation of the area or any other safety measures, despite the danger of the gas, especially since it is untreated gas.

    The representatives vowed to conduct interrogations and investigations of officials in the Middle Oil Company regarding this incident, which has been largely covered up until now.

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      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:08 pm