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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minister of Labor: We have created training programs to launch economic projects that reduce unemplo

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Minister of Labor: We have created training programs to launch economic projects that reduce unemplo Empty Minister of Labor: We have created training programs to launch economic projects that reduce unemplo

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Aug 2024, 7:28 am

    Minister of Labor: We have created training programs to launch economic projects that reduce unemployment rates

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi announced on Thursday the creation of training programs to launch economic projects that reduce unemployment rates, while stressing support for the private sector and developing a safe environment for job seekers. 
    Al-Asadi said, during his participation in the graduation ceremony of a number of trainers from the Department of Labor and Vocational Training, in the presence of the Prime Minister's Advisor Shahbaa Al-Azzawi and the International Labor Organization Coordinator Maha Kattaa, that "this strategic initiative in training the Ministry's staff aims to enhance and develop entrepreneurship in our society, which is in line with our vision in the Ministry and the government program to support youth, in addition to empowering the workforce, improving the private sector and moving the wheel of the Iraqi economy," indicating that "the Ministry of Labor has worked throughout the past period to support the private sector and job seekers by developing a safe and supportive environment for business owners and job seekers."

    He added that "the horizons of international cooperation have been opened in order to benefit from different experiences and expertise."

    Regarding small projects, he stressed that "one of our priorities as a national service government is to care for small projects and focus on them in support of young job seekers in society," noting that "working to create a number of modern training programs and preparing staff that will contribute to supporting the entrepreneurship sector and supporting projects, in addition to providing suitable job opportunities."

    He added, "This training accreditation that our trainers receive is a prelude to launching with thousands of young people to open advanced projects that will economically advance the country and reduce unemployment rates," noting, "The ministry seeks to achieve real integration of training plans and provide full support to entrepreneurs."

    He praised, "the ongoing cooperation with the International Labor Organization, and the tireless efforts it provides to support the ministry."

    Added 08/08/2024 - 8:50 PM
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