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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Conflicts between the two wings of al-Maliki and the Dawa party Keywords pay for "division" and Tare

    Admin Assist
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    Conflicts between the two wings of al-Maliki and the Dawa party Keywords pay for "division" and Tare Empty Conflicts between the two wings of al-Maliki and the Dawa party Keywords pay for "division" and Tare

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 9:11 am

    [rtl]Conflicts between the two wings of al-Maliki and the Dawa party Keywords pay for "division" and Tarek Najm mediates[/rtl]

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    [rtl] 2/4/16[/rtl]
    [rtl]BAGHDAD / Sky Press: Areej al-Taie[/rtl]
    [rtl]Early detection, the source of Thursday, about splits within the Dawa Party, which may pay to the occurrence of divisions between al-Maliki and Ali al-Adeeb wing in addition to the pavilion on the Keywords.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The source said in an interview with "Sky Press," that "there are conflicts on the political, parliamentary and party gains pushed to the splits wide occurrence within the Dawa Party."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The source, who declined to be identified, said that "It is likely that there will be divisions between the leaders of the Dawa Party, including al-Maliki wing and wing on the writer in addition to a suite on the Keywords."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He noted that "the Shura Council member Tariq Najim Abdullah seeks to bring the views and the combination of the leaders of the Dawa Party, to avoid divisions, especially that he enjoys a good reputation and influence among the leaders at home and abroad."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Tariq Najim Abdullah, holds a doctorate in Arabic language, and it was in London in 2000, and then returned to Iraq after 2003, and the work of the former director of the Office of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He indicated that he solves all the political crises Maliki for being characterized by good relations with politicians and with Iran, where the title of the "shrewd politician".[/rtl]
    [rtl]I went as a political analyst Mahdi bonded in a statement, "The differences and problems that exist at the moment inside the Iraqi Islamic Dawa Party, and the large number of leaders within the party and multi-party resolution, strong indications of divisions to come inevitably."[/rtl]
    [rtl]And the implications of these differences on the street, slave said that "the tent of the National Alliance covered all those differences because of the Dawa Party is organizing a doctrinal class basis so Fbalamkan to pick up all the differences under one interest, which is interest doctrine, and at the same time there are big differences now, but they did not appear to the surface political between the two organizations, and this is what caused the absence of significant leaders of the organization, especially from inside the organization from the political scene because of marginalization by the other party. "[/rtl]
    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/rtl]

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