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    Height of Iraq's oil exports for the month of July

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277540
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Height of Iraq's oil exports for the month of July Empty Height of Iraq's oil exports for the month of July

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Jul 2016, 3:43 am

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    One of Iraq's oil export ports
    Height of Iraq's oil exports for the month of July

    Author: AT, HAA 
    Editor: the AT 21.7.2016 19:11 Number ofViews: 702 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Detecting oil commercial source, on Thursday, a rise of Iraq's oil exports rate, during the 20th day of the month of July present compared to what was exported during last June, indicating that the loading docks in the port of Basra recorded so far exported 3.28 million barrels per day.
    The agency said Rotarz, in a news item published, and I followed (the long-Presse), said that "a trade source oil detection height of Iraq's oil exports during the 20 days of the current month of July, following a drop in production rates during the past two months."
    The source added that "the loading docks in the port of Basra recorded so far from the month of July, the export of 3.28 million barrels daily," pointing out that "Iraq's oil exports for the month of June, stood at 3.18 million barrels a rate."
    The source pointed out, that "the increase in production rates were not affected by the interruption of two berths in the port of Basra for download for two days, due to the occurrence of a leak in the oil shipping tubes."
    The agency American specialized energy affairs, suggested in the (11 July 2016), Iraq's oil exports declined in July present to the "lowest rate" her 2016 th, attributed to the export-stop for up to three days as a result of leakage from a pipeline pumping at loading ports in Basra.
    It is said that the Ministry of Oil, announced in (the first of July present), exporting to more than 95 million barrels of oil during June 2016, from Central and South fields, stressing the high fiscal revenue earned during that month compared Bayar, while a source at the South Oil Company revealed , lower crude exports from the southern port rate in the same month, attributing this to the high demand and domestic consumption rate.

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