BAGHDAD: Iraq News Network - Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Wednesday, wasting $ 500 billion is not known in previous years. The committee member said Ahmed Sarhan, said: "The presence of a large corruption and failure to comply with the laws and the Constitution in financial matters, as well as having a huge waste of public money and disbursement and expenditure of the things that do not serve the people." And he demanded the government to "limit the practices of some of the staff to act in public money badly, the fact that the money for all, as well as holding accountable those responsible for this waste." He Ahmad, that "there are significant financial violations and fake projects and anything not implemented them so far, and the money flowing into the pockets of some people." A member of the Committee, that " it was a waste of $ 500 billion during the previous years were spent in an unknown , " and accused the government saying it was "responsible for the loss of those funds . "