BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq , a number of experts and specialists in economic affairs spoke of " the numbers" of cases of corruption in the successive Iraqi governments after 2003, where he confirmed that the total budgets of Iraq after 2003 amounted to about $ 960 billion, and the share of the Iraqi individual estimated at more than $ 32 million, while the poverty rate in the country exceeded 40% . he said economic expert , Ahmed Abu loaf in an interview today: "after the 2003 Iraq have been freed at all levels , contrary to what it was before 2003, where he began economy Iraqi grow rapidly, especially after the increase in oil production and rising world prices rates to around 80 to 110 dollars a barrel during the period of 2003-2014, with the exception of the last two years , which fell two oil price to low levels . "He added Abu loaf," the budget for Iraq in 2003 It amounted to $ 14 billion, and in 2004 reached $ 18 billion, and in 2005 reached $ 26 billion, and in 2006 reached $ 34 billion, while that in the 2007 budget of $ 42 billion, and in 2008 reached $ 80 billion . "He , he said that "in the 2009 budget for Iraq amounted to $ 74 billion, and in 2010 reached $ 75 billion, and in 2011 reached $ 84 billion, and in 2012 reached $ 101 billion, and in 2013 reached $ 126 billion, and in 2014 reached $ 134 billion ( US It is the highest in the history of the budgets of Iraq) . in 2015 , no budget and in 2016 (under the austerity) amounted to about 90 billion dollars , while in 2017 amounted to about 68 billion dollars . "He pointed out that" the sum of these budgets amounted to $ 960 billion over 14 years, and the number of the population of Iraq is estimated at 30 million, the share of per capita 32,733.333 million dollars . "he explained that" in light of this great figure was the standard of living of the Iraqi very high and the poverty rate drops significantly , but it shows the size of the rampant corruption in the country after 2003 , where the poverty rate of about 41%. "offering Iraqi citizens filed a lawsuit on the three presidencies, calling for giving him his share of the budgets of Iraq since 2003 to today and that of more than two billion dinars Araca.utalapt group of economists from the Government Abadi , 32 Exchange million dollars for every citizen as one of the rights due them nationally thefts advocacy and coalition Shiite and Sunni Maliki 's party leaders .ocdt Scott citizen of his right to continue to encourage corrupt stealing his power and the breakdown of the family and the future of the country together.