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    A newspaper reveals Washington's desire to open channels of communication with Syria

    Admin Assist
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    A newspaper reveals Washington's desire to open channels of communication with Syria Empty A newspaper reveals Washington's desire to open channels of communication with Syria

    Post by Rocky Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:17 am

    A newspaper reveals Washington's desire to open channels of communication with Syria

    09:48 - 19/08/2017

    The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported on Saturday that Washington wanted to open channels of communication with Syria through a third party, the Sultanate of Oman.

    The newspaper said in a report issued today that "the visit of some Lebanese officials to the Syrian capital Damascus seems normal, especially as it is no longer limited to the retreat of the US and France, which are the spearhead of the priority to overthrow Assad and his regime, but the emergence of a desire to open up And to focus attention on striking extremist terrorism and dealing with Assad as a partner in the fight against terrorism. "

    She added that "Washington wanted less than two weeks ago to open contact with the regime of the Syrian President through a third party, the Sultanate of Oman, the transfer of messages exchanged on the dialogue to be held in a third place," indicating that "the Syrian response according to the information available to the pro - "The dialogue is in Syria without any perseverance, and the content is not only security, but political security because Damascus does not distinguish between them and sees one complementary to the other, and does not want to shift (an aid fund)."

    "So far, no attempt has been made to make a pulse, and an initial effort to build contacts. But the most important thing is the retreat from what is more important than the order of the previous priority: the international rehabilitation, American and French first, to the Assad regime. " Ending / 25

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