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    Exclude the resolution of legal voting on special grades


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Exclude the resolution of legal voting on special grades Empty Exclude the resolution of legal voting on special grades

    Post by chouchou Mon 21 Oct 2013, 3:05 am

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    Parliamentary Legal Committee ruled out, resolve the issue of voting on special grades, during the current legislative session, at the same time revealing the existence of a project to grant a full pension benefits to those grades, especially the deceased them and martyrs.

    Member of the Legal Committee Jinan Prism, reported the existence of several ministries and agents, consultants and general managers, and those with varying special needs to the House vote to approve the proofed, noting that the quotas the most prominent obstacles facing the process of distribution of these, where the consensus on the figures put forward needs a long time.

    The MP indicated, to the existence of several claims in order to vote on Ttpet special grades, stressing that "the problem may continue until the end of this session are not voting." The MP revealed the existence of a draft law to install special grades, especially those who have been referred to retire, and the deceased and of the martyrs, indicating that these terms and maturity and professional humanitarian side need to exchange pension entitlements in the same job class which they were referred to retire.

    For his part, the student member of the Legal Committee Hussein Net to speed up enactment of a law of special grades during the current parliamentary session.

    Net said in an interview for "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," said Acting Prime Minister and the rest of the functionality of threatened Berzagahm, noting the need to settle the fate of the House of Representatives and to keep good Mnm and migrate المتلكئ.

    And made an MP for the coalition of state law Hanan al, in the middle of the month of June the proposal law included the signing of 10 deputies others to reduce the salaries of special grades, as well as a proposal for the abolition of retired members of the House of Representatives and provincial and municipal councils. Did not initiate the House of Representatives to ratify the special grades up to now because of the existing political differences, and the Iraqi constitution refers to the House of Representatives is the entity authorized to ratify the appointment of special grades which include deputy ministers and military team leaders and general managers in state institutions to be the owner of the score for the elected by the people's representatives in parliament.

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