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    Deputy: Abadi gave the regional government the green light to deal with oil revenues

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    Deputy: Abadi gave the regional government the green light to deal with oil revenues Empty Deputy: Abadi gave the regional government the green light to deal with oil revenues

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Mar 2018, 3:03 am

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    Deputy: Abadi gave the regional government the green light to deal with oil revenues

    The deputy of the bloc of change Hoshyar Abdullah, on Tuesday, the growing anger and resentment in the street because of the Kurdish prime minister's promises, noting that "Abadi gave the government of the region the green light to conduct oil revenues as they like."
    Abdullah said in a statement that "Abadi over the past months was given promises to pay the salaries of employees of the Kurdistan region directly to each ministry separately, and announced that he does not trust the ruling political class in the region, and now he is dealing with them and temper the two ruling parties in the region, The policy of mandatory savings of salaries of employees when he gave the provincial government share of 317 billion dinars and give them the green light to manage the proceeds of oil as they like.
    He added that "the audit carried out by the committees sent to the region was just a process of review is useless, and after the return of a series of courtesies between Abadi and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Kurdistan Regional Government announced its continuation in the policy of compulsory savings, which means that there are no salaries for staff, and were also threatened to reduce Their salaries, which caused the growing state of boiling in the street of Kurdistan. "
    He continued, "As a representative of the bloc of change for the province of Sulaymaniyah provided more than one initiative to solve the problem and pay their salaries directly from the federal government, either through ministries or provinces or directorates or even by general committees, but Abadi eventually had to deal with Najirvan Barzani and Qubad Talabani and leaders of the two main parties. "
    He pointed out that "people in the region today are frustrated after the promises of Abbadi went into the wind, and they see that he is the primary responsible for not paying their salaries because it merges the corrupt and corrupt government in the Kurdistan region."
    The Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider Abadi announced that "the Federal Ministry of Finance has fired the salaries of all employees of the Kurdistan region, including Peshmerga."

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