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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Trump chastises the "rare" meeting of the North Korean leader

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Trump chastises the "rare" meeting of the North Korean leader Empty Trump chastises the "rare" meeting of the North Korean leader

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Jun 2018, 2:11 am

    Trump chastises the "rare" meeting of the North Korean leader %D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A8-3-660x330

    Trump chastises the "rare" meeting of the North Korean leader

    US President Donald Trump has confirmed that his upcoming meeting in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is an opportunity to improve the situation on the Korean peninsula and the world.
    "I'm on my way to Singapore, where we have a chance to achieve a truly wonderful result for North Korea and for the whole world. It will certainly be an exciting day. I know that Kim Jong-un is working hard to bring peace and prosperity to his country, which he did not do," Donald Trump said in a tweet. One in the past ".
    "I'm eagerly waiting to meet him and I feel it is a rare opportunity that will not be wasted," Trump said.
    Trump stressed that the North Korea-US summit is Kim Jong-un's only opportunity to improve the lives of North Koreans.
    "I feel that by doing something great for his people, he now has this opportunity that will not be repeated later," Trump said before leaving Canada for Singapore.
    Trump pointed out that it will determine from the first moments in the discussions, the motives and intentions of the counterparty, and will not waste time in vain, if doubt about achieving tangible results.

      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 6:37 pm