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    «Fantastic amount» paid by Google to Apple .. What is the reason?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    «Fantastic amount» paid by Google to Apple .. What is the reason? Empty «Fantastic amount» paid by Google to Apple .. What is the reason?

    Post by Rocky Sun 30 Sep 2018, 3:25 am

    «Fantastic amount» paid by Google to Apple .. What is the reason?

    «Fantastic amount» paid by Google to Apple .. What is the reason? 10336

    A recent report revealed that Google is paying billions of dollars to Apple to keep its search engine as the first default engine in Safari.
    According to analyst Rod Hall of Goldman Sachs, which is based on Business Insider in his latest report, Google will pay $ 9 billion this year to Apple, to increase the amount in 2019 to 12 billion dollars.
    According to Hall, these billions of dollars paid by Google is only a fraction of what Google earns from its search engine on the Internet.
    The Business Insider report says Apple's default browser, Safari, is largely responsible for the volume of operations on Google's search engine.
    The figures are mixed with regard to what Google is pushing to keep its engine to search on the devices produced by Apple, especially since both parties do not announce them officially.
    A similar report appeared in 2017 pointed out that Google paid in that year $ 3 billion.
    The only fixed figure was in 2014 within the documents of one case, which confirmed that Google had already paid one billion dollars to Apple for this purpose.

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 3:41 am