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    Babylon heading for the implementation of projects

    Admin Assist
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    Babylon heading for the implementation of projects Empty Babylon heading for the implementation of projects

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Mar 2014, 5:39 pm

    Babylon heading for the implementation of projects


    Under the budget plan for regional development in 2014
    Baghdad Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb
    announced the Investment Commission of Babylon for obtaining the approval of the local government in the province of Babylon, to provide and deliver the infrastructure for a number of investment projects within the plan of development of the regions in 2014, while stressing specialist economic affairs importance of the provision of infrastructure in attracting domestic and international investment to the country.

    said Vice Chairman of the Commission on behalf of al-Janabi said in an interview for "morning," said the local government agreed to allocate funds from the regional development budget for 2014 to increase the number of infrastructure projects for 11 investment projects.
    explained that the projects that have been allocated amounts is to implement ways to deliver services Complex brick factories in hand Shomali and other ways to connect the industrial areas in the regions of Abu Ekarb and Abosmej affiliated to spend MAHAWEEL ways the main and internal roads.
    Among the other projects that have been allocated funds also have projects include brick factories investment for processing electrical power and processing projects, industrial zones in Alcheteh and Abuacarp belonging to spend MAHAWEEL energy too, as well as project implementation station water capacity of 500 cubic meters / hour for the industrial zone in the area of Abu Ekarb spend Mahaweel, in addition to the project engineering consultancy concerning investment projects., and pointed out that the cooperation between the Commission and government agencies relevant resulted in obtaining such approvals the importance of infrastructure in the implementation of projects of what constitutes the subject of support for investors as well as to encourage investment companies and urged them to work in the province of Babylon. noted that the Investment Commission of Babylon fired earlier in several investment projects of various sizes, including strategic projects large in the forefront of the industrial city at the site of Hittin which can be hired to be one of the largest industrial cities in the country.
    to that noted specialist Balchan investment Nazim Mohammed Ugaili that the investor is considering the extent of actual cooperation shown by government agencies with international companies wishing to work in most of the cities of the country, pointing out that the orientation of government departments to deliver services different, leading to encourage local and foreign investment to enter the field of local action.
    pointed out that Tefial fact investment leading global companies to attend the heads of their funds and holdings of high-tech sophisticated help to shorten the time and effort and the creation of investment projects, the fact check the economic viability of the country, by raising production and services provided to citizens.

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