said the oil company "Petronas" Malaysia, Monday, for the assignment of contracts worth 1.323 billion dollars to Iraqi companies, saying it seeks to create sustainable value for its customers and partners in Iraq. 

The director of the procurement department in the company Mohammed Razali ambush in a statement received, Alsumaria News, a copy of it, "Petronas oil company has since the beginning of its work in the field of oil Gharraf in the province of Dhi Qar and until the end of 2018 to grant contracts worth more than one billion and 323 million dollars for Iraqi companies Local at a time when 368 local Iraqi contractors were registered. "

"Petronas is committed to helping local contractors and ensuring their active participation in bidding activities," Kamin said. "Petronas is striving for a superior operating excellence in the Al Gharraf field, working on the welfare and prosperity of the community and creating sustainable value for its customers and partners in Iraq." 

Petronas, one of the leading companies in the global oil and gas industry, won the contract to develop the Gharraf oil field in Dhi Qar province in 2010 to reach 103.3 thousand barrels per day with an export volume of 108.5 with a total of 178 million barrels of the cumulative exports of Iraq.