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    Signs of Abdul Mahdi's economic policies

    Admin Assist
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    Signs of Abdul Mahdi's economic policies Empty Signs of Abdul Mahdi's economic policies

    Post by Rocky Thu May 16, 2019 3:50 am

    [size=30]Signs of Abdul Mahdi's economic policies[/size]
    16/05/2019 12:05 AM | Number of readings: 1860
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    Asaad Abdullah Abd Ali
     The Qur'an in one of its chapters mentions the Quraish economic policy. It was mentioned in the chapter praising what the human mind produced during that period, which resulted from the winter and summer journeys of the Quraish Quraysh between the Levant and Yemen. They purchase their needs and provide their requirements and requirements of the region. (Yemen) to the North (Sham), as well as the opposite, which made them in a huge financial abundance throughout that period, always open policies towards diversified markets that create many opportunities for success, rather than adherence to one market.
    All of them followed with interest the recent visits of Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi, which included the Arab region, Egypt, Jordan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, in which there was a great political role in addition to the economic mission, and the signing of important economic agreements. We expect to produce something important for the Iraqis. Important visits to two influential international economic centers (Germany and France), and the visits culminated in the signing of important economic agreements, will have a significant impact in the coming days.
    The close economic cooperation with neighbors makes them a partner who cares about us a lot and keeps us away from isolation and hostility because of the great economic interests that we will share with them. For example, openness towards Saudi Arabia and Egypt through joint construction projects and markets, Giving them opportunities to invest in Iraq, all this links them with the Iraqi economy, so they become interested in the matter of Iraq's safety and security, because Iraq's stability is a continuation of their economic gains.
    We have written about the importance of direct dependence on major international companies in the process of reconstruction and reform of the electricity system and the development of oil facilities, instead of resorting to mediators between us and the adults, it was a disastrous mistakes of previous governments that it did not produce a clear economic policy because of the monster of corruption, The mediators were present in most large contracts, to waste Iraqi money.
    Secondly, the process of need for technology can not be provided to you by a class of African or Asian countries, which are third world countries, and all that you find then will be copies that are not viable and merely patchwork, with high import costs, After 2003, where it has always resorted to unrealistic solutions at a huge cost, resulting in great corruption and a great waste of Iraqi money, while Iraq remains without a single step towards reconstruction and reform and development.
    Technology and oil, transportation and the process of reform and development of systems, in agreement with Germany and its giant companies, and large agreements with France in the field of reconstruction and development.
    "We welcome this move by Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi, and we expect that this movement will have real results, not just informational media visits as it did before. The people are watching and waiting on the ground, and so what will be revealed in the coming months.

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