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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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4 posters

    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Interacting Investor
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    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies Empty Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Post by Hkp1 Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:42 pm

    13/01/29 (23: 00)

    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Baghdad / writer

    number of academics that reversing the national economy and accelerate
    development forward and to raise the contribution of non-oil sectors
    (industry, agriculture and tourism) in GDP, come as an inevitable
    consequence of the implementation of administrative policies of economic
    reform and restructuring.

    expert said the Ministry of industry and minerals faithfully Jabar
    Nasser (range): what is required here is the implementation of an
    integrated package of economic and financial policies and cash College
    associated with the implementation of broad investment programme to
    raise economic growth rates and increased levels
    of labour, as well as encouraging domestic and foreign investment,
    whether direct or indirect in order to raise domestic resources,
    operating rates through administrative and financial reforms.

    added: the implementation of policies aimed at real exchange rates at
    competitive levels, is very important in this regard is associated with
    support and monetary policy is expansionary in order to reduce the high
    inflation of the Iraqi economy and to raise the cost of production, then
    the effect on the real exchange rate, as well as to benefit from the
    economic reform programmes of a number of Arabic countries such as Saudi
    Arabia and others, and active networks of social welfare and
    development to get rid of the negative effects associated with the implementation of economic reform programmes and the Restructuring.

    increased integration with the world economy provided the basis for a
    balanced integration is not achieved at the expense of compromising
    national economic interests, with the presence of adequate systems for
    human resources, and administrative corruption is one of the largest
    problems facing the Iraqi economy in State-owned enterprises in particular.

    adoption of various types of investment approach as a means in the
    radical changes in the new Iraq, especially after the Iraqi economy long
    has been compared to long periods of technological developments and
    intellectual, while the national economy uses technology and old ideas
    and theories of moral and material blockade and lack of ability to keep pace with those developments.

    noted that the topic required a number of actions, including the
    reality of industrial and agricultural sectors, tourism and oil and
    service, on the grounds that Iraq has holy places of religious and
    cultural effects, and events and the complexity of these economic
    sectors, which
    requires stability of local currency (the dinar) and the reduction of
    inflation and to support and encourage domestic investment as a step to
    find attractive projects for overseas investment.

    noted the importance of administrative and social reforms and
    restructuring of the investment law and its development, and the
    creation of confidence between the State and the citizen in accordance
    with the requirements of modern investment experience in our country,
    and the need for amendments to the investment law No. 13 of 2006 as investment business in Iraq.

    said in the Al-Mustansiriya University Iyad al-Amiri, one of the most
    important aspects that could succeed where investment is the industrial
    sector, which requires identifying the General characteristics of this
    sector of the absence of organizational strategic consolidated pool
    steps and decisions taken for the development of the industrial sector in the frames within the digital marketing specific quantities.

    lack of coherence between these linkages contributed to the decline of
    the industrial sector in various activities, especially after the
    periods of oscillation between abundance and scarcity, and attention to
    neglected due to the era of wars and economic sanctions, along with the
    lack of industrial departments
    to use technical and professional training and to strengthen their
    capacities and provision of all modern vocabulary skill.

    hinted that another reason behind the decline of the industrial sector
    is a leakage of a lot of advanced expertise in this sector, towards
    other sectors unrelated to their own disciplines, both within and
    outside the country, despite the expenditure of large sums of money on these cadres and capacity to develop and hone their skills over many years.

    He explained: it was supposed to be a comprehensive review the status of the Iraqi economy after long years between the economies of war and siege, destruction, looting and corruption, and was expected to be early when exposed dust the past years and absorb the horror shock, as it was normal to have this concern is two nationallypure, Vstratejah reform the Iraqi economy

    and bail him out of his position vehicle, remain in place the last target is supposed to remain a concern and nationalist forces loyal, while not constitute a given target priority to others, policy of Altjeez and doubles and reclining, is the most presence in the Iraqi scene, because this would begateway for accepting traditional prescription of the international Monetary Fund in the privatization and reduction of subsidies, or go into debt conditional, and an inability to increase oil production without the intervention of U.S. giant oil companies and British and others.

    He pointed out that the deliberate delay in the advancement of the Iraqi economy out of its crisis and stagnation, requiring a pause both national community of specialists or officials at the command of the executive authorities

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    Posts : 1858
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    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies Empty Re: Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Post by Proven Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:00 am

    This article gives an overview of the development plan. Integral within this plan is the revaluation as explained: "She
    added: the implementation of policies aimed at real exchange rates at competitive levels, is very important in this regard is associated with support and monetary policy is expansionary in order to reduce the high inflation of the Iraqi economy and to raise the cost of production, then the effect on the real exchange rate, as well as to benefit from the economic reform programmes...."

    Insane Investor
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    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies Empty Re: Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Post by CITEX Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:13 am

    Proven wrote:This article gives an overview of the development plan. Integral within this plan is the revaluation as explained: "She
    added: the implementation of policies aimed at real exchange rates at competitive levels, is very important in this regard is associated with support and monetary policy is expansionary in order to reduce the high inflation of the Iraqi economy and to raise the cost of production, then the effect on the real exchange rate, as well as to benefit from the economic reform programmes...."

    Nice Find! HKP and Proven
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3484
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies Empty Re: Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

    Post by Screwball Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:33 pm

    very nice! thanks news hounds!

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    Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies Empty Re: Payment of accelerated economic development once the implementation of the economic reform policies

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