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    British newspaper confirms the news of the escape of the wife of the ruler of Dubai to London

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    British newspaper confirms the news of the escape of the wife of the ruler of Dubai to London Empty British newspaper confirms the news of the escape of the wife of the ruler of Dubai to London

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Jul 2019, 6:13 am

    British newspaper confirms the news of the escape of the wife of the ruler of Dubai to London

    12:11 - 02/07/2019

    British newspaper confirms the news of the escape of the wife of the ruler of Dubai to London %D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%AF%D8%A8%D9%8A-696x454
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The wife of the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashidah, has fled to her home in London, where she said she was preparing a legal battle against her husband.
    The youngest of the wives of the ruler of Dubai, Princess Haya bint Al-Hussein, currently lives in her home near Kensington Palace after fleeing her billionaire husband, the report, which was published by the BBC, said.
    Haya, 45, has not appeared at any public event in weeks, nor did she participate in the Royal Ascot festival last month with her 69-year-old husband, Rashid, she said.
    The disappearance has caused much speculation in the Middle East, and press reports that there was a separation between the couple and the Princess took her children to Germany and then to Britain, the report said.
    "There are reports that Princess Haya is preparing for a legal battle in Britain against her husband and is living in her £ 85m London house, which she bought in 2017," the report said.
    "We learned from multiple sources - including the family - that Princess Haya was in London," David Hage, a former lawyer and former manager of Leeds United, was jailed in Dubai and is currently suing her government.
    Prince Haya is the daughter of the late Jordanian King Hussein, a graduate of Sandhurst College, and the current Jordanian king is a non-brother and a British mother, Antoinette, said the report. She changed her name to Queen Mona Al Hussein.
    He noted that "Princess Haya's strong relations with Britain allow her to stay in the country without any restrictions."
    "Why did the Princess leave and would she reveal the reasons for that?" The report said, adding that the UAE government spokesman had confirmed that they would not comment on allegations of private life. Ending / 25

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