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    A statement from the US ambassador in Baghdad ... 4 priorities for the Biden administration in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A statement from the US ambassador in Baghdad ... 4 priorities for the Biden administration in Iraq Empty A statement from the US ambassador in Baghdad ... 4 priorities for the Biden administration in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Mar 2021, 8:23 am

    [size=30]A statement from the US ambassador in Baghdad ... 4 priorities for the Biden administration in Iraq
    [ltr]2021.03.25 - 15:43[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - People  
    The US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Toller, confirmed, on Thursday, that his country's strategic goals are stable despite changing administrations, revealing four priorities for the new administration in Iraq, including the fight against ISIS.  
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    Tueller said during his participation in a video conference, which was followed by "People" (March 25, 2021), "The American strategic goals are constant despite the change of successive administrations in the White House, but in practical terms, one of the fruits of this American system is that in every 4 or 8 Years come, a new administration looks at the challenges with different eyes from the previous administration. "  
    And the American diplomat added, "These eyes bring new lenses to some of the challenges we face, but of course there will be continuity, because the United States' interest in this vital country will not change."  
    He pointed out that "defeating ISIS remains a US priority security mission in Iraq, and despite the organization's loss materially, the presence of American forces in Iraq comes at the invitation of the Iraqi government, to carry out a limited mission that focuses on providing advice and assistance to the Iraqi counterterrorism forces and the Peshmerga forces," To prevent ISIS. "  
    The US ambassador stressed, "To continue to maintain this presence, as long as it is necessary to help the Iraqi government to prevent the return of ISIS and terrorists to threaten the Iraqi people and threaten regional security."  
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