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    The World Bank issues a report on the growth of domestic production in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    The World Bank issues a report on the growth of domestic production in Iraq Empty The World Bank issues a report on the growth of domestic production in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Oct 2021, 6:51 am

    The World Bank issues a report on the growth of domestic production in Iraq

    •  Time: 10/11/2021 13:27:53
    •  Reading: 923 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} The World Bank announced today, Monday, that the gross domestic product in Iraq grew by 0.9% on an annual basis in the first half of 2021, expecting an improvement in the debt-to-GDP ratio.
    The bank said in a report, that "economic growth in Iraq is gradually recovering after the epidemic-related contraction last year, due in part to the rise in non-oil activity," expecting that "improving global oil market conditions will enhance growth in the medium term and shift financial balances." public and external surpluses from 2021, and the recent rise in debt will be reflected.”
    He added, "Iraq's GDP grew in the first half of 2021, by 0.9% on an annual basis, and the non-oil economy grew by more than 21% in the first half of 2021 (on an annual basis) due to the strong performance in the service sectors. "This recovery has outpaced the slowdown in the oil sector, with a 10% drop in the first half of 2121, as Iraq adapted to its quota in OPEC+ early in the year," he said.
    He pointed out that "the prospects for the Iraqi economy have improved with the recovery in the global oil markets, but the spread of new COVID-19 variables and the challenges of climate change are major headwinds," expecting the economy to gradually recover against the backdrop of high oil prices and OPEC + production quotas that are scheduled to be phased out gradually. In 2022, oil GDP will therefore be the main driver of growth in the medium term. 
    The bank expected that “Iraq’s non-oil GDP will recover but remain below 3% on average in 2021-2023 due to the impact of the new COVID-19 Delta variable along with water and electricity shortages affecting agriculture and industries. The fiscal balance should remain in surplus over the medium term, leading to a steady improvement in the debt-to-GDP ratio.
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    The World Bank issues a report on the growth of domestic production in Iraq Empty World Bank: Financial performance has hurt the Middle East's handling of the pandemic

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Oct 2021, 7:13 am

    [size=52]World Bank: Financial performance has hurt the Middle East's handling of the pandemic[/size]

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     Capitals: agencies
    The World Bank confirmed that the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are struggling to recover from the Covid-19 crisis, as economic crises have been exacerbated by weak financing of public health systems.
    The bank stated in a report that the total cost of the COVID-19 pandemic, estimated according to GDP losses, will reach nearly $200 billion in the region by the end of the year.
    According to the report, 13 of the 16 countries in the region will record a decline in living standards this year compared to what they were before the pandemic, as GDP per capita is expected to decline by 1.1% this year after a 5.4% decline in 2020.
    “Long-term economic and social trends and underfunding of public health systems have left the Middle East and North Africa ill-equipped to deal with the pandemic, which is contributing to a fragile and inhomogeneous recovery as the region strives to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic,” the bank said.
    In the ten years preceding the pandemic, the region failed to undertake deep reforms aimed at transitioning to a market-based economic model, which led to the expansion of the public sector.
    “In this context, the Middle East and North Africa region suffered from poor financial performance in light of high public sector wage bills, and eventually government spending on health became unusually low in relation to the level of development in the region,” the bank said.
    Most of the countries in the region recorded a greater than average increase in government spending ratios to GDP between 2009 and 2019, compared to their peers that started at the same level of income per capita.
    “For all MENA countries for which data are available, rates of government spending on health compared to spending on public sector wages are lower than in other income countries,” he added.
    Looking ahead, the Bank expects a heterogeneous recovery, partly due to different vaccination rates against Covid-19, with richer countries leading by a wide margin.
    “Health and the economy have become intertwined,” Roberta Gatti, chief economist for the Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank, told Reuters. “What ultimately turned out to be key is how to fight a pandemic.”
    "Improving investment in data collection, sharing and dissemination can take a long time, and it may be something inexpensive to do to contribute to monitoring

    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only[/size]
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